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5 votes

How can rotate an object about a specific point that I know the coordinates of

Hit N to show the side panel then select the View tab. you'll see a 3D Cursor section on that tab and you can change its location there. Then set the Transform Pivot Point on the top toolbar to 3D ...
John Eason's user avatar
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5 votes

On object cannot be moved along X

Make sure that you haven't locked its Location on X:
moonboots's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I scale down the distance between objects without affecting their size?

To transform an object’s location directly, enable Affect Only Locations in the Tool Settings Options. Then scale using SZ. In this case I'm using the 3D Cursor Transform Pivot Point so it scales ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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4 votes

An object won't move

The Location and X and Y Rotation of your object are locked as you can see from the marked closed padlocks. Click on each padlock or drag the mouse down over all of them with the left button down to ...
John Eason's user avatar
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3 votes

Blender switches individual origins to median when several faces selected

I guess what you mean is when you select connected faces. The Individual Origins does (and can) only work on single separate faces or mesh islands. Single faces: Mesh islands (selected faces with ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
2 votes

I want to take the object created with geo node to the origin point of another object

(Using Blender 4.2.0) 1. Object "A" is the default cube located at (5,10,10) in world coordinates. The GeometryNodes modifier "Draw a Circle" is attached to it. As its input ...
StefLAncien's user avatar
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2 votes

Can i scale a tube without changing its wall thickness?

Start with a tube model that has not been solidified, and put a Solidify modifier on it without applying. Then, make your duplicates, scale them as desired, and apply the scale (NOT visual geometry to ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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1 vote

How to raise multiple edges with linear falloff ending exactly on a particular edge

I like this question because I suffer from perfectionism and Blender isn't great for a perfectionist's workflow... Most modellers aren't super accurate, so what they'll do is adjust the falloff range ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
1 vote

UV Texture Scaling

Remap UV coordinates with some math nodes or something like Color Ramp: RGB Curves also work: And there are probably many other ways. It's basically just manipulating a range of vales from 0 to 1, ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
1 vote

Armature copy woes: weird transform keeps applying when going between modes

Somehow, there was an offset in Pose Mode. While in Pose Mode, clearing all transforms set the armature to 0,0,0. Now, when I bind the mesh, edit, etc., all is well (no weird transforms). I also had ...
shawn's user avatar
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1 vote

I want to take the object created with geo node to the origin point of another object

There are two possible ways to interpret your scenario: you create a Mesh Circle within Geometry Nodes, and some base object with the GN modifier is at (50, 100, 100). Then initially the Mesh Circle ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar

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