21 votes

How can I model condiment/sauce?

Something along these lines? Modelling Create a blob mesh for the general area of your condiment. This is a UV sphere, pulled around with Proportional Edit, with its mesh Header > Mesh > ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 76.5k
21 votes

How to convert UV to mesh in blender?

(See Update below for Blender 3.0b) Nowadays, this is quite simple with Geometry Nodes: To separate any UV islands, duplicating seam vertices, you can split the edges first, and then re-weld them: ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 76.5k
13 votes

Script Outdated - Shape keys and applying subdivision surface modifier

This answer comes from a previous one here Cannot Apply Array Modifier. I simply add some more details in the explanation and a way to do it for all shape keys at once. Here is a simple shape, which ...
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.3k
13 votes

Lofting: can I copy a Shape-Keyed mesh for each frame of its animation?

Bmesh script Select the profile mesh, run script. Creates a copy for each frame from scene frame start to scene frame end. A simple edge loop animated with follow path constraint, scale, and a mix of ...
batFINGER's user avatar
  • 84.3k
11 votes

Can I fix broken shape keys after editing basis?

You don't need to delete and recreate the entire shape keys, just fix the points that have changed. In edit mode, Mesh -> Vertices -> Blend From Shape is useful here. It copies the positions of ...
JKL's user avatar
  • 126
11 votes

Transforming (morphing) one object's shape into another's

Morphing objects with different vertex count is impossible AFAIK with the blender tools, unless you use a scripting. Here's a temporary solution though. It uses a to sphere tool. I have three ...
Paul Gonet's user avatar
  • 33.4k
11 votes

How to drive shape keys based on the angle between two bones?

For an ultra-fast driver for corrective shape keys based on the angle between two bones, you can use this one: The driver type is Scripted Expression, with this line (depending on your Blender ...
R. Navega's user avatar
  • 506
10 votes

Creating/saving a shape key from moving a bone (Rig)

Select your mesh, go to the properties window, modifiers tab, in the armature modifier you'll find a button named "apply as shape key" wich does exactly what you're asking for.
josh sanfelici's user avatar
10 votes

Using Boolean Modifiers and Shape Keys in Animation

I think this would probably be a lot easier if you made a dummy object used as subtraction for the Boolean Operation. Just model a pill-like cylinder object ending in a spherical cap, possibly ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
10 votes

Creating shape keys using Python

You can create shapekeys directly as well as set the position of each vertex for each shapekey without using edit mode or even changing the active object. An object has a ...
sambler's user avatar
  • 55.4k
9 votes

Can't apply modifiers with shapekeys on blender 2.8

Lets say we have a mesh with 2 shapekeys: 1 basis and 2nd Big Ears. Create a copy of the mesh, select the copy and delete the basis shape key, then the big ears shape key. Select the original and ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
9 votes

How to morph between shapes

You want Shapekeys in this case. First add a basis key as shown below. Next, add a second key, and then go to edit mode, add edit the object to the second shape with the second key selected. Here ...
Timaroberts's user avatar
  • 12.4k
9 votes

Converting a curve into a mesh does not copy over shape keys

You can't preserve them simply. What you can do is make multiple copies of the mesh, each from a different shapekey, and then join as shapes. Make a copy of your curve object for each shapekey. For ...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 24.6k
9 votes

Is there a way to automatically delete shape keys that are identical to the basis?

Try this. You must be in object mode, and it affects all selected objects. ...
scurest's user avatar
  • 10.3k
8 votes

Script Outdated - Shape keys and applying subdivision surface modifier

Here is an updated script which is tested and working for me on 2.91.2. The script from the existing answers still wasn't working for me in 2.9, so I took into account the fixes mentioned the comment ...
npd999's user avatar
  • 81
8 votes

Update a shapekey Basis from another shapekey

Let's say you have 3 shapekeys: Base, new Face, expression. The first is the old mesh, the second the new modified mesh, the third the old expression movement you want to preserve. Select the object ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
8 votes

How can I convert two numbers to 0 - 1 range in Driver Scripted Expression?

$$\frac{v-s}{k-s}$$ s = Range start. k = Range end. v = Value. The result is a value between 0 and 1 if v is inside the range. In your case: s = 1. k = 0.3. v = the bone scale.
Hulifier's user avatar
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7 votes

How to apply shape keys?

Apply shape key to your mesh This will affect all the objects on your scene : ...
user110271's user avatar
7 votes

Morphing between two different curves or meshes via shapekeys

I see your question has been answered already, and you probably no longer need help with this issue, but you (and others) may want to know that there is a very efficient way to create text like that ...
Mentalist's user avatar
  • 19.1k
7 votes

Generated texture coordinates with shape key

Try using the Object texture coordinate input instead of Generated. Works for me.
Todd McIntosh's user avatar
7 votes

Drive shape key based on relative camera orientation?

This answer targets a beginners level and will include lots of lengthy explanations. I understand that this answer doesn't utilize drivers as requested, but for this example a simple python script ...
Leander's user avatar
  • 26.8k
7 votes

"Blend from shape" What does this do? how can I use it?

One very common use is to repair a shape key from a mistake, while leaving the desired deformations intact: if you like your shape key but you see some moving vertices that should stay still, you can ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
7 votes

Deform mesh without any modifier and shapekey: how is it possible?

It's just the bone. You can parent a mesh to a bone and the mesh will follow the bone. That is, the bone controls the location, rotation, and scale of the mesh. It's good for armor, or make a bone ...
Blunder's user avatar
  • 14k
7 votes

How to create Shape Keys in Geometry Nodes, including support for curve handles?

Shape Keys in Geometry Nodes Here is my solution. I completely rebuilt this with a different, simpler approach. The Relative Key is now always the basis geometry. The object to put the Geometry Nodes ...
Mentalist's user avatar
  • 19.1k
6 votes

Increasing topology without affecting shape keys

Dissolve X, Vertex Connect Path J, Knife Topology Tool K With the Basis key active and all other keys set to 0.0, these operators allow me to thoroughly retopologize a character model (~18,000 ...
Michael Glen Montague's user avatar
6 votes

Unable to edit the meshes for shape keys

Disable "apply shape key in edit mode"
eromod's user avatar
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6 votes

How do you make a torus 'telescope' open?

You could do this easily with a torus curve, if you dont mind the bezier curve object. Just add a Bezier Curve Circle, make its handles Free type and erase the bottom half (or whichever suits your ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
6 votes

Update a shapekey Basis from another shapekey

Here's something that has worked for me... Create a new shapekey from the basis and make the changes you want to your mesh. Exit edit mode and set the value of your new shapekey to 1. Just leave it ...
Paula Grisell-Goldstein's user avatar
6 votes

How do you join two models together without messing up existing shapekeys?

There is no problem in joining two meshes with shape keys: you only have to be sure that - before entering edit mode - the "basis" shape key is selected in both the meshes. If some shape keys share ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
6 votes

Blender: morphing object shape

Select both objects then in the mesh properties under ShapeKeys you will find an option to "Join as Shapes" in the menu under the add/remove buttons. This makes a shapekey in the active object that ...
sambler's user avatar
  • 55.4k

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