5 votes

How could you avoid multiple shadows when using multiple light sources?

Softer Fill Light I've found that the best way to eliminate multiple shadows is to use softer lighting. You can do this by increasing the size of the light. I generally use Area Lights for soft fill ...
Fletcher Graham's user avatar
4 votes

Why do I have this weird shading issue?

It shades smooth between the front and side faces. Put the Weighted Normal below the Bevel modifier and it will fix the problem as it will take the virtual bevel faces into account:
moonboots's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I block an object from casting shadows on it?

In the light settings, in the shadow section, you can change the max distance value if you're using a sun light, or change the clip start value if you're using any other type of light.
Alex's user avatar
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Odd shadows are jagged and spikey

Eevee is not as good as Cycles for lighting and shadows, that said you can tweak the light shadows parameters and also in the Render panel >Shadows, increase the values (particularly Cube Size I ...
moonboots's user avatar
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3 votes

Eevee shadows not the same as Cycles; is there a fix?

You have a number of setting you can control under the Light that affect how the shadows are calculated. In particular, under Contact Shadows, you have more settings specific to them. I suggest to ...
Mr A's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I deal with a shadow that is distracting from text?

You can lighten or completely eliminate the shadow by mixing a Transparent BSDF on shadow ray for that object's material. Just change the Transparent BSDF from black to white to see the difference.
Allen Simpson's user avatar
3 votes

I am unable to get rid of some persisting shadows when the object is transparent. What am I missing?

You need to increase the bounces under Render Properties > Light Paths > Transparent. In the screenshot i reduced the bounces by purpose to 4 to show the problem.
taiyo's user avatar
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2 votes

Bake self shadow into texture

The issue here is the Shadow Bake Type doesn't seem to include the shadows cast by the object on itself. I experimented a bit, and I found a way to make it work, but it is a bit convoluted. The steps ...
Mr A's user avatar
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2 votes

How to disable shadows in Cycles?

In your decal Object level Properties, in Ray Visibility disble Shadow:
james_t's user avatar
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2 votes

How to fix these shadows?

Instead of using boolean, in this case you should better use LoopTools > Circle: Simplify the topology, select some faces: Remove them, extrude inwards: Enable the LoopTools addon and right click ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 156k
2 votes

Lighting interacting weirdly with my glass

That's one weird shader for glass in your file. I would suggest using just a simple Glass BSDF shader, maybe add some volume absorption if you want to make it fancy: You could enable caustics in the ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
2 votes

Why can I see the seperate shapes in the shadows? Is there a way to fix this?

What causes this problem: Here are two curved surfaces: I have tried my best to make sure that they transition very smoothly into each other. I have even applied a few subdivision. But then too, I ...
The Kalaakaar's user avatar
2 votes

Eevee one light creats multiple shadows

Eevee doesn't have the accuracy of Cycles regardings lights, here the problem probably has to do with the light Angle and the render Sampling values, decrease the Angle and increase the Sampling and ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 156k
2 votes

Challenging Transition from Vertical to Horizontal Faces

Here is a try, the topology before: The topology after. If the edge needs to be sharper, slide the adjacent edges closer to it: Once you give it a Subdivision Surface modifier: File:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 156k
2 votes

Sky texture not working properly

You are in Material preview mode, this mode works like Eevee, in this mode you won't have any shadow from the HDRI, if you are in Eevee and if you switch to Rendered preview you can fake the shadows ...
moonboots's user avatar
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1 vote

Viewport shading shadows not related to lights in scene?

In Rendered preview, the Scene Lights and Scene World options are enabled by default. They will let you see the effect of the lights you've created in your 3D scene and the effect of the HDRI or ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 156k
1 vote

How to catch shadows which appear due to plane deformation, but make the plane transparent?

In Eevee you can turn the shading into a mask with the Shader to RGB node: This allows for multiple ligth shading. Remember to set Blending to Alpha Blend to see transparency in Material Settings. ...
Luis Quintana's user avatar
1 vote

Help with Shadow compositing

You can achieve a similar effect in Cycles with negative strength emission. This effectively absorbs power from the scene, removing light intensity in the vicinity of the source, creating a darkening ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
1 vote

How to connect flat and tilted edges properly?

Enable the Auto Smooth option, it will only smooth between the faces that have the angle that you determine, increase the angle value until you're good, don't push too much otherwise it will smooth ...
moonboots's user avatar
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1 vote

How to make "fuzzy" snow particle material in Eevee?

The Diffuse node creates a shadow, as for the Translucent, it only works if you have a light behind the object, which is not the case here, so your flakes appear rather dark. Also maybe you should ...
moonboots's user avatar
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1 vote

Shadows from the background (EEVEE)

You need to create a Light Probe > Irradiance Volume around your scene and click on Bake Indirect Lighting in the Render panel > Indirect Lighting:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 156k
1 vote

Shaded smooth faces have weird shading

You have several duplicate vertices on your model. In Edit mode. hit A to select All then M > Merge by Distance. You'll briefly see a message in the bottom status bar saying that 16 vertices have ...
John Eason's user avatar
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1 vote

Shadows won´t dissapear even with Light

As mentioned @moonboots you do have a weird set of nodes. Plus, they have quite exaggerated values (like the Bump node's 139 distance). You also seem to use twice the same texture, so you could just ...
L0Lock's user avatar
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