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12 votes

What's the most fun way to make a Santa Claus hat? 🎅

I decided to print a hat missing in my Santa Claus costume, however it came out without any geonodes hair??? The problem is that you need support for your hair, because the people who make 3D ...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 25.1k
12 votes

What's the most fun way to make a Santa Claus hat? 🎅

Possibly the most readable node tree... Bonus: Santa Claus underpants
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
11 votes

What's the most fun way to make a Santa Claus hat? 🎅

Extra bonus, behind the scenes:
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
11 votes

Why an emission object behind a glass object lost its emission property

Because emission pass contains only emissive rays hitting camera directly. Glass (even transparent) is technically a surface blocking the ray and what you see in render is transmission. So for ...
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
10 votes

How to color the inside of a box

There are a few ways: If you have a single surface, you can define a shader for backfaces(That's "Geometry" node there in the Shader Editor that has Backfacing output): If you have an ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
10 votes

Make a projected image from the camera follow the object orthographically

This approach calculates the direction from the camera to the shading point, as if the object was at (0,0,Z) in Camera space, by subtracting the object's location in Camera space from the shading-...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.2k
7 votes

How do I emit light from within an object using a point light (Chinese Lantern)

I think Translucent BSDF shader is key of this material so check this answer. Or you can use Principled BSDF shader where especially Transmission parameter set to 1 will do the job. With Extra Curve ...
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
7 votes

Shader Node Color Ramp POS gradient depending on axid?

That can be this way: Use the wave at some scale. Shift the gradient input coordinates so that it start a bit later and scale it so that shift + scale = 1 (when X is 1). Compare the two. Wave goes ...
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
7 votes

How can I create Meteoric Metal in blender?

Looks like some sort of scratches directional in 3 directions. I don't think it has anything to do with Meteoric metal though as that looks very different. Have a look at the real thing maybe instead ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
6 votes

why is my project from view distorted?

The problem is, since you have simple quads with only four vertices at each corner, Blender has a hard time to figure out how to distribute the image on those faces. The solution (not ideal to keep a ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
6 votes

Posterize Node in Material Shader?

//EDIT: Okay, I actually didn't think of a much easier solution. The answer below is completely valid and working, but for the vector maths there is a shortcut: instead of upscaling the colors by the ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
6 votes

Grazing angle translucency bug artifacts?

What you are facing is most likely the terminator effect. It happens mostly when there is only 1 light source that hits some of the faces at a grazing angle:
Frederik Steinmetz's user avatar
6 votes

How to get perfect linear gradient?

First of all, the Generated texture coordinates will always be 0 to 1 on X, Y and Z no matter what size the object is (assuming the scale of an object is applied). This means, when you take those ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
6 votes

How to make circular transform texture coordinate?

I'm not sure what the swirl and repetition is, so I made some assumptions. Use the length from the center and map it to a new range. That is how you can control the inner and outer radius. The radial ...
Leander's user avatar
  • 27.5k
6 votes

How does the multiply color node work?

Multiply simply multiplies red of one image by red of the other image, green of one image by green of other image and blue of one image by blue of the other image. Since color components are in range $...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
6 votes

Shader Node Color Ramp POS gradient depending on axid?

@lemon already gave a good solution, here is just an alternative method which I only give additionally to not feel having done the setup and screenshots for nothing :) What you can do is use the ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
6 votes

Anisotropic effect doesn't work (blender 4.0)

It works fine but you need to be in Rendered preview mode and in Cycles. The Material preview uses Eevee and Anisotropic doesn't work in Eevee (as indicated here):
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
6 votes

Anisotropic effect doesn't work (blender 4.0)

Anisotropy only works with cycles (as indicated here). You need to be in render mode in order to use cycles. In the image you sent, you are in preview mode, so you'll have to switch modes The default ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 2,718
6 votes

Transparent image showing background and not logo in Blender

Instead of using the mix shader with alpha factor you can connect the image alpha directly to the 'Principled BSDF' alpha connection, and then directly connect the Principled BSDF to the output. If ...
Spearhead's user avatar
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5 votes

How to achieve Geospatial Voronoi pattern?

Distribute random points with density based on proximity to given geo. Spawn overlapping cones - looking at them from top orthographic view is a cheap way to find intersections: Color the cones: ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
5 votes

Embossed logo on glass surface using displace node looks incorrect

The differences between your model and the one in the tutorial: first of all, he sets the Strength in the Displacement node to 0.03, yours is at 0.2 - that is almost 7× larger. It also depends on the ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
5 votes

draw 3d shape (n-gone) in 3D view

Draw a alway on top n-gon in draw_handler 'POST_VIEW' Please note that if the object position is not (0, 0, 0), you need to multiply the objects ...
X Y's user avatar
  • 6,147
5 votes

How to add gradient and rotate each cell of the grid?

A bit similar to the Wizard's answer, but this time using the random-per-cell value that Voronoi gives us in 'Color': Ooops.. The Multiply is by 2*pi (or ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.2k
5 votes

Is it possible to assign different images on instances in geometry nodes?

Here is another answer if you maybe want to combine your images in a grid. In my case I have 6 images in a 2 × 3 grid (2 columns, 3 rows) like this: Then I can use the index of the instances (see the ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
5 votes

Why are wave and checker pattern misaligned

Just add a modulo so that values are from 0 to 1 before dividing by pi.
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
5 votes

How can I create a quantum fluctuation simulation?

Notes: Animate Musgrave (Voronoi or what ever) Texture > 4D - W parametr Render Properties > Volumes > Step Rate Viewport/Render 0.2
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
5 votes

How to Create a Halftone Dot Effect in Blender Similar to This Reference Image?

Achieving the overall look and feel of the pattern seen in the image. I would describe it as columns of circles, with semi-random brightness. The semi-randomness is resembling Perlin noise in the ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
4 votes

How to recreate Principled BSDF node with BSDF nodes?

Method 1: Custom Node in Cycles It's useful when you want to use an older version of node in a new blender version The OSL source of Principled BSDF you can find in ...
X Y's user avatar
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4 votes

why connect Color Ramp with Roughness?

Your node tree is simply a totally different effect: when you set a roughness value in the Principled BSDF Node, every zone of the surface gets the same amount, while if you connect an image the ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar

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