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8 votes

How can I replicate this image of a tied-up balloon?

You could do it with a cloth simulation: Create a cube, subdivide it (put the Smoothness value at 1 in the Operator Box), cut several edge loops with the knife (K to activate, C to cut through), ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
5 votes

Different color in sculpt mode - Is this a different material?

It is something called Face sets. You can change them in one color by pressing W on the keyboard and selecting ...
Muzammil's user avatar
  • 838
4 votes

Alpha Texture Brush isn't working?

There are 4 main problems you're facing: The texture has low contrast: start with the more contrasted one, until you get confortable with the tecnique. The model hasn't enough topology: go to ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
4 votes

Can't move vertices in Edit or Sculpt Mode

Disable the shapekey's Shape Key Edit Mode option (don't know how it works though):
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

why is my options overlapping with my tools

Blender's UI allows region overlap and while it doesn't appear very often that seems to be the case here. If so, Edit → Preferences, go to Interface and uncheck Region Overlap: This has the side ...
Marty Fouts's user avatar
  • 33.4k
2 votes

My sculpting is not working

Could it be, that you accidentally turned on the mask? You could try pressing Alt + M to clear it and see if you than can sculpt again.
schwarzgrau's user avatar
2 votes

Cant sculpt parts of mesh

You need to recalculate the normals: in Edit mode, select all and press ShiftN
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
2 votes

Select Dyntopo field and check it as True

All objects have the use_dynamic_topology_sculpting property, which allows you to check whether or not dynamic topology is activated. Therefore your script could ...
Robert Gützkow's user avatar
2 votes

When I texture paint, why doesn't it show on Sculpt Mode? And when I do sculpt, why does it make the texture paint black in some parts?

To show Material Preview hold Z select Material Preview or click on 3th ball on top-right of your viewport. When you enable Dyntopo you will get this warning which mean it will destroy your UV. As ...
Terg Turry's user avatar
2 votes

New blender 3.2 sculpt paint does not work

Make sure that you have selected attribute in shading: If you want to make it visible in other shading modes (render and material preview), add color attribute node in the material setup:
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.3k
2 votes

How to use sculpting tools from a 90 degree angle?

Setting n menu > Tool > Brush Settings > Falloff > Falloff Shape to projected pulls the side evenly.
Vagabonk's user avatar
  • 651
2 votes

Mesh Boundary Option Sculpting

I played with it more - I realize now the issues were showing up after using remesh modifier on the plane, which makes it double sided. My understanding is that this makes the plane incompatible with ...
TArlow's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

Smooth a mesh after knife/bisect tool

Clear out that hideous automated face, to make a hole, and rebuild the topology by hand. Connect two vertices and press F to join them (creates an edge). Which two vertices to select? Well, just ...
John Smith's user avatar
2 votes

I exceeded the default Undo limit, then went to Edit>Preferences and changed the limit. But I still can't use Ctrl+Z again. Help?

The undo limit on Blender controls how many actions the software will store before deleting the oldest actions to make room for the newest, so increasing the undo limit retroactively unfortunately ...
Christopher Esther's user avatar
2 votes

Why Dyntopo with the Refine Method option on Subdivide Edges still Collapse edges in dense topology?

As specified in the manual: The Simplify brush is specifically meant for use with Dyntopo to remove/add detail in the mesh. Even when the Refine Method is set to Subdivide Edges, this brush is always ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
2 votes

Can’t sculpt suddenly

You've masked the entire topology, press AltM to unmask and it will work again.
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
2 votes

Using Subdivisions and Sculpting Together

The simple explanation is: he is not sculpting using the subdivisions. He is sculpting with the Subdivision Surface modifier enabled (sometimes switching to disabled) and of course even though the ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
2 votes

Flood using smooth brush in sclupting mode

Select the mesh filter brush, choose "Smooth" as filter, then click and drag.
josh sanfelici's user avatar
1 vote

Why are sculpt tools doing this weird square thing?

I don't remember where I saw the post, but the solution that worked for me was to first make sure in your Wacom tablet settings to disable "Use Windows Ink". Then in Blender's settings under ...
Pasty Pict's user avatar
1 vote

Moving toolbar settings in sculpt mode for smaller window

Hover the mouse over the toolbar and drag left and right with the Middle Mouse Button:
John Eason's user avatar
  • 5,444
1 vote

Blender 2.81 and Manuel Bastioni Lab : Mask in sculpt mode not visible

The problem were the modifiers that were automatically added by MB-Lab. While only one modifier showes the warning that the mask will not be displayed all four modifiers mbastlab_armature ...
Sam's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Custom DELETE/TRIM brush in Sculpt Mode

The (Slow) Delete Brush In the Sculpt mode you can delete geometry with the Box Trim or Lasso Trim brush. Click and hold the brush icon in the toolbar to select one of them. The Trim brush performs a ...
Blunder's user avatar
  • 14.3k
1 vote

Cloth Brush making holes when using Multires

I found that ticking the checkbox Sculpt Base Mesh in the Multiresolution Modifier settings fixes this issue.
Bryce Mathews's user avatar
1 vote

X axis mirror in sculpt mode not being symmetrical

Sculpt symmetry is based on your object transforms. Try to apply all transforms (Ctrl + A > All transforms or Object > Apply > All Transforms). When the symmetry dot seems to be snapping to ...
Ewerton's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

How to keep Measure Tool proportions visible while sculpting?

In the "View" tab in the sidebar, there is an Annotations section with a list of ruler objects. Each ruler object has an eye next to it to toggle visibility - seems these default to "...
Nick Fisher's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a way to make sculpting amount not falloff when holding down the mouse?

You want to check Accumulate under the Brush Menu in the top of the 3D view interface while in sculpt mode. Or in the Tool settings in the properties editor : It's the same setting, just accessed ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 31.8k

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