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6 votes

How to remesh model without losing details?

The Remesh Modifier is not supposed to be used for increasing the resolution of a mesh but, as the name suggests, it is used for generating a new topology for the mesh. You should not (never) use that ...
mqbaka mqbaka's user avatar
5 votes

How to animate VertexWeightProximity effect with Remesh modifier active

The Remesh modifier destroys vertex groups on the mesh, rendering the Vertex Weight Proximity modifier useless in that case. Thankfully there is a built-in Attribute Proximity node that you can use in ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 31.9k
5 votes

Applying Remesh modifier deletes most of the model

You have scaled-down your mesh but have not applied the transformation. You can see it in the first screenshot. The Remesh modifier uses the original dimension of the mesh and the Voxel Size value to ...
Blunder's user avatar
  • 14.4k
5 votes

Gradual polygon reduction

I don't know if there's an automatic way to gradually change the resolution but in Sculpt mode you can increase or decrease the resolution of the part you want by changing the Detail Size in the ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
5 votes

Interactivity between ReMesh modifiers that are on two different objects

Given screens show Metaball objects ... If you want to do something similar with Mesh use Boolean and Remesh modifier (works in some cases). Here two Cube objects ... But speaking to effectivity ...
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
4 votes

Real scales of the Remesh Block Modifier

TLDR: It uses this formula to calculate the size of the boxes, as far as I can tell: $$\frac{LargestDimensionOfYourObject} {2^\text{OctreeDepth} \times Scale}$$ When you hover over the Scale box in ...
Kuboå's user avatar
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4 votes

Geonodes: How to Set Material for every material in this remeshed mesh?

Similar principle to: how to keep the original material after using simulation zone in GN? Except the material index is also not preserved, so you need to sample it from the nearest surface of the ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
4 votes

Remesh criss-cross pattern using geometry nodes

Essentially, this task can be solved by following these steps: First isolate the faces that are to be removed Convert the outer line of this selection into curves Divide the curves into two parts (...
quellenform's user avatar
  • 38.3k
4 votes

Remesh Text FPS Low (0.16)

This is because your Remesh modifier resolution is set to one millimeter. That’s absurdly high, generating more geometry than your computer can handle effectively.
TheLabCat's user avatar
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3 votes

How can you fill one mesh's volume with as many of another mesh that will fit?

This is my solution. I filled an icosphere with lots of small cubes. It would work the same with other objects: And here rendered with a finer resolution: I tried two different setups. One works ...
André Zmuda's user avatar
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3 votes

How to remesh the front face of the letter e to fix shading issues

Select all and press X > Limited Dissolve, it dissolves the vertices according to the angle defined in the Operator box.
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

How to I create edge loops on an Irregularly shaped Blocks in Blender?

There are various ways you can make an object intersect into another object or add edge loops, some examples are the bool tool, boolean modifier, the knife project or the knife tool. I commonly use ...
Ribbit12's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I make a perfect sphere from an imperfect one?

The simplest way is to use the Cast modifier with a Factor of 1: You could also use the Shrinkwrap modifier with a sphere as Target.
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

Cell-Division - What is causing the random corruption between the viewport and render?

Not sure why but something about the combination of the Remesh Modifier and the Subdivision is breaking things in render. Maybe it is a bug, because viewport preview and EEVEE seem unaffected. Either ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
3 votes

How to industry standard sculpt in blender?

It's important to keep in mind that 3D modeling software, including Blender, is designed to handle a wide range of use cases and may not be optimized for every specific workflow or task. It's possible ...
Gibble's user avatar
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3 votes

Simplify topology

The best is probably to CtrlE > Un-Subdivide, then choose 2 or 4 in the Operator Box. You'll still need to bring some corrections to some parts of the topology: You can also do it manually: ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

Can you pavé gems based on surface instead of topology?

Here's a GN group that will pack instances on a surface, irrespective of its topology. The packing is based on a hexagonal tiling of its UV space. It relies on 2 subgroups. A hexagonal tiling of a ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.2k
3 votes

Converting a 3d model into a square-dominant mesh with same sized faces

The tool that comes the closest to what you show is probably the Data > Remesh > Quad, click on the QuadriFlow Remesh button and you'll be able to choose the amount of faces in the pop-up panel: ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

How to clean up interrupted edge loops using geometry nodes and fill holes with quad faces?

You could use Merge by Distance node instead of deleting them: This works here at least. If the faces are more or less uniform in size then there should be a fair amount of difference between the ...
Cornivius's user avatar
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2 votes

Remesh modifier script won't let me modify scale

Property voxelgenScale is outside the permitted range for scale. ...
relaxed's user avatar
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2 votes

Rigging Character - IK Arm Malfunction with Mesh Stretching and Stationary Wrist

EDIT: I was hasty in my earlier answer. Here is what I tried that appears to have fixed it: Exit Pose Mode Select the model in object mode. In the Properties editor Object Properties tab, open the ...
Marty Fouts's user avatar
  • 33.4k
2 votes

How to set default remesh style of remesh modifier as block?

There is not possible to set a modifier default setting except you modify the source code. But you can try to add a Weld modifier before the remesh. Add a Weld modifier first, set distanace to ...
X Y's user avatar
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2 votes

Weird Remesher result

Your mesh must be manifold in order to produce a proper remesh result. The easiest way to do this would be extruding the faces downwards by a very small amount, or as you did before by solidifying ...
Sven_'s user avatar
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2 votes

Why is the topology so bad on this mesh with quads?

Though your faces are square/rectangular, it doesn't necessarily mean they are quads - in the image below, the three yellow dots highlight edges coming across the "bottom" and terminating on ...
Christopher Bennett's user avatar
2 votes

I have way too many triangles on my mesh

If I get this right, you would like to try and reduce the vertices on the top bit, so they match better with the lower bit that has much fewer vertices. When selecting a few of the vertices on the top,...
Ebi's user avatar
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2 votes

can't join meshes properly

You could correct the topology but if you want it to be clean from the start you could prepare one branch with a topology like that: Mirror it with an empty as Mirror Object that you rotate 45° on Y, ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k

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