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10 votes

Seamless cliff mesh with array

There are two things you have to understand: 1. how the Relative Offset in the Array modifier works and 2. what symmetry is and why this is not necessarily helpful in this case. First of all, let's ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
8 votes

Seamless cliff mesh with array

If you want tiling without symmetry, you can use the traditional approach: Slicing in the middle (down naturally matched features) Swapping the ends Blending the mismatched centre Here, blending is ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.2k
7 votes

How do I emit light from within an object using a point light (Chinese Lantern)

I think Translucent BSDF shader is key of this material so check this answer. Or you can use Principled BSDF shader where especially Transmission parameter set to 1 will do the job. With Extra Curve ...
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
7 votes

How do I make this mesh curved?

You could select all, make a tip vertex active, press ShiftS > Cursor to Active: Choose Orthographic view (5) and press Shift3 to switch to side view: Press ShiftW to bend:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
7 votes

Weird Shadows, don't know how to fix it

The split normals (the normals that determine the shading) are messed up, click on the Clear Custom Split Normals Data button:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
6 votes

How to make this type of array in Geometry Nodes?

Why don't you just extrude a circle?
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
6 votes

One face is brighter in object mode despite normals looking correct

Your inner edge loop sourrounding the big face consist of 6 overlapping edge loops. To solve, select the big face, press Ctrl Numpad plus seven times to expand the selection until the outer face ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar
6 votes

One face is brighter in object mode despite normals looking correct

Jiggling the face in question reveals it's not immediately connected to the surrounding face-loop: If you draw out the edge loops one by one, you can see the actual connected topology: As you can ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.2k
6 votes

Unable to view colored SVG image

When exporting from Illustrator ensure Advanced Options > CSS Properties are set to Presentation Attributes Issues ... but you will deal with much bigger problem - "holes" in segments. ...
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
6 votes

Only a specifc part of mesh being shown in OBJECT mode?

The highlighted area in the viewport indicates that you have accidentally created a Clipping Region by pressing Alt+B and then dragging a rectangle with your mouse. To clear this view region, press ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a way to mix splitting faces and edges?

Select Edge Rings: Split Faces by Edges: Select the top vertices - now that they are split you can't use an ⎇ Altclick, but you can go to wireframe view mode and drag-select. Then enable O ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
5 votes

What is causing this stretched shading on the mesh and how can I fix it?

Try adding Subdivision Surface modifier. Probably your topology doesn't allow it though… Your question is a good example of why Subdivision Surface or NURBS workflows are powerful. This might not be a ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
5 votes

Unknown Grey Area in Blender

Souds like a clipping problem. You have to manually set the distance that is drawn before and after your position. You can do that in view tab.
Jiří Honzák's user avatar
5 votes

Merging vertices messes up the vertex colors. Is there any fix for that?

Convert attribute domain from Vertex to Face corner: After that, you can merge vertices.
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.3k
5 votes

How do I collaps a mesh to have more than 4 edges overall?

You can decimate and use a dual mesh (geometry nodes) after that: That won't guaranty all are hexagons or pentagons, but most should be. Use the "triangulate" option from the decimate ...
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
5 votes

Select N symmetrical edges in a sphere

Switch to edit mode, edge select. Select an edge ring (ctrl alt click on edge for me): Use a "checker deselect" operation. Choose a number of selected+deselected that goes evenly into the ...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 25.1k
5 votes

There is auto smooth option in 4.1?

Auto smooth has been removed due to technical and performance problems: Now there are 2 ways to set sharp edges in Blender 4.1: Non-...
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.3k
5 votes

Make a single object transparent in viewport shading

There are several different ways to make an object transparent. First is to tell Blender to only use a wireframe to preview the object: I've set properties/object/viewport display/display as to "...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 25.1k
5 votes

How do I Fix this Mesh? (Bad Shading)

As we can see if we display the face orientation you have flipped faces, you need to select all in Edit mode and press ShiftN to recalculate.
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
5 votes

How do I separate these sections for better 3D printing?

Using any mesh that has been triangulated is a huge pain, especially .stl meshes, which are used for 3D printing.If at all possible, you want to start with ...
aidan-j-rhoden's user avatar
5 votes

How can I create a wrinkled cloth style frame?

You could create a plane, subdivide it, switch to Sculpt mode, choose the Pose brush, Deformation Target: Cloth Simulation, Deformation: Squash & Stretch: Increase the brush size with F then LMB ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
5 votes

Cylinder spacer with rhombus cross-linked bracing

It is better to start with a flat 2D mesh which we will extrude later. Install the built-in 3D Print Toolbox addon and click Check All to make sure your grid mesh Intersect Face is zero. Do the same ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
  • 14.2k
5 votes

Is it possible to animate a transition between two XYZ Math Surfaces?

Yes this is possible using this answer. You can also achieve this with a non-destructive method using Geometry Nodes, following the same approach described in this thread. This makes it easier to ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
  • 14.2k
5 votes

How to smooth the demarcation between two materials?

You can use the "Smooth" operator in weight paint mode.
josh sanfelici's user avatar
5 votes

Why seperating a sphere gives different shades?

The shading is determined by the split normals, you can display them in the Mesh Edit Mode Overlays panel (in the latest Blender versions). There's 1 split normal per vertex and its direction is ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
5 votes

Wrap complicated mesh around object

You can get pretty far by just using a shrinkwrap modifier, followed by a smooth mod. After that you'll need to fiddle with the frilly bits to get them to align with the form-fitting stuff, but that ...
Jakemoyo's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I scale down the distance between objects without affecting their size?

To transform an object’s location directly, enable Affect Only Locations in the Tool Settings Options. Then scale using SZ. In this case I'm using the 3D Cursor Transform Pivot Point so it scales ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
  • 14.2k
5 votes

Is there a way to assign multiple meshes to an object and switch between them?

Here is how it can be done in Geometry Nodes: This setup is for 3 level of details, and shows 3 versions of mesh, depends on distance to active camera. To get location, you can calculate the length (...
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.3k
4 votes

Inset > Extrude > Bevel > Subdiv = Weird?

Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface smoothens the mesh by interpolating values of nearby vertices. If there's not enough holding loops this smoothing can actually create sharp geometry like so: The key ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar

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