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110 votes

How to round corners of plane?

No need to subdivide the whole plane, no need to add vertex groups or modifiers! All you need is Ctrl+Shift+B and middle mouse button scrolling on vertex or vertices:
Jaroslav Jerryno Novotny's user avatar
73 votes

What's the fastest / most fun way to create a fork in Blender?

As you know a fork rarely comes with only one peak, it generally has 2, more often 3 or 4, sometimes more. It would be very tedious to model each and every of those peaks. As you may know, for this ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
51 votes

How can I add vertices to intersection of two edges?

With Blender 2.8+ you can use the Auto Merge Tool to insert a vertex between intersecting edges. Just enable the option Auto Merge and Split Edges & Faces in the Tool Shelf, then select a vertex ...
YPOC's user avatar
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39 votes

an easy way to subdivide along one axis only?

I think the command you are looking for is CTRL + R and scroll mouse button to add/subtract loops, and then LMB to accept loop count and then RMB to confirm location of loops.
eromod's user avatar
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38 votes

Making a Trypophobia-triggering image In Blender

Tissue addon Another possibilty would be to use the Tissue add-on. You basically define a "component", in this case a little hole with a protruberance (the one outlined in orange) and spread it on ...
Carlo's user avatar
  • 24.9k
38 votes

What's the fastest / most fun way to create a fork in Blender?

IMO the fastest method should be to subdivide a primitive icosphere and use the Cast modifier set to Fork, but this option is mysteriously missing from Blender! In my opinion this is bad, and the ...
Allen Simpson's user avatar
35 votes

Finding vertices in a Vertex Group using Blender's Python API

Methods 1. List comprehension As mentioned by Pycoder in the comments below, using operators is often slow. So a quicker and simpler (and X2 faster) method to get all the verts that belong to a ...
33 votes

What's the fastest / most fun way to create a fork in Blender?

This is both fun and fast git clone git:// git checkout -b my-fork
Wossname's user avatar
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32 votes

Merge multiple meshes into one single mesh?

There are two methods of combining meshes that I know of; The first uses the addon BoolTool: Select the separate objects that you want to combine Press Ctrl+Numpad +, to perform a union operation ...
Wolf In A Bowl's user avatar
31 votes

Is it possible to calculate and display volume of a mesh object?

You can use the 3D Print Toolbox add-on for that. Activate it in the Preferences and it will appear in the Tool Shelf of the 3D View. Top line buttons let you calculate volume and total area.
Lepelaar's user avatar
  • 520
31 votes

How to remove edge creases?

You may remove the edge creases by selecting the whole mesh or only the desired edges, and then opening the properties panel with N Then change the mean crease to 0...
Timaroberts's user avatar
  • 12.5k
31 votes

Multiple instances of one object/mesh

You have 2 solutions: Linked Duplications: altD allows you to create a linked duplication, meaning if you modify one of the instances it will change all the others as they share the exact same mesh ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
30 votes

What's the fastest / most fun way to create a fork in Blender?

Another solution would be to use Softbody: Please tell me if you need a more in detail explanation.
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
29 votes

Modeling Waffle Shape of Cone

You may model it using poke and bevel tools. Select the faces you want to put the pattern on and hide the rest of the mesh with Shift+H. Press Alt+P to poke faces. Select vertical edges (select one ...
Paul Gonet's user avatar
  • 33.5k
29 votes

create mesh then add vertices to it in python

This is how to create a new object and add the vertices in the verts list: ...
Jake Duth's user avatar
  • 8,547
28 votes

Placing 4 Circles on a sphere

Facected regular solid & boolean op. Fastest way to find out how to sudbidive the 3D space of the sphere in n parts without relying on complicated solid-angle formulas is to use regular solids. ...
Carlo's user avatar
  • 24.9k
27 votes

What's the fastest / most fun way to create a fork in Blender?

Unicode font Copy the fork 🍴 from unicode fonts Add a font, edit mode, select text, select font, paste fork, extrude.
batFINGER's user avatar
  • 84.8k
26 votes

an easy way to subdivide along one axis only?

You may subdivide in a 'lenght' axis with W-->Subdivide but you have to select only the 'lenght axis' edges. Enable the edge selection mode and select them (with B or C ), then subdivide with W. You'...
Paul Gonet's user avatar
  • 33.5k
25 votes

Merge multiple meshes into one single mesh?

You can merge multiple meshes together using a feature in Blender by default. Simply select all the meshes you wish to merge, and hit CTRL+J to join them together.
Josh Silveous's user avatar
24 votes

How can I make a hexagonal grill?

EDIT : I just realised that I hadn't included the .blend file for this (I had intended to... why did nobody mention it ;-) ) making it a whole lot of effort to replicate it to use in your own projects!...
Rich Sedman's user avatar
  • 45.1k
24 votes

Apply a Material just to the part of an object that was edited by a boolean modifier

This is how it works by default - materials transfer from one object to another with boolean operations. You just need to have material slots for all the materials used on both objects. So if you just ...
Martynas Žiemys's user avatar
24 votes

How to make a twisted wrapper/cloth

If you want to use the cloth simulation, you have to assign both ends to bones. You also have to create the Pinning group for the cloth simulation. At the pinched end, I used only a few vertices for ...
Leander's user avatar
  • 27.5k
23 votes

Is there a "Volume Select" equivalent in Blender?

Animation Nodes can be used here. The Find Nearest Surface Point node is used to compute the distance between every element and its closest surface point, the distance is then used as the scale of the ...
Omar Emara's user avatar
  • 22.6k
23 votes

2.8 remove doubles has changed to Merge by Distance

As of writing this answer, the option is not present in Blender, or at least not searchable through F3 and buried somewhere deep. What works instead, is merging by distance by either of these methods: ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
22 votes

Convert bones to meshes

I was not able to find an addon for that and as it is very close from another question. Here is an operator to do that (nearly, as the bone shape is not exactly the same). The code is commented below....
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
22 votes

How can I make a rounded indentation on a cylinder? (Cosmetic Plastic Bottle Lid)

Though you may do it using Boolean Modifier (or BoolTool add on) the good solution here may be using an Inset tool since it'll allow you to make a clean topology mesh. Add a cylinder with 16 ...
Paul Gonet's user avatar
  • 33.5k

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