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3 votes

how can i add a camera marker without name with python?

you could access using the context instead of a name... import bpy scene = bpy.context.scene'', frame=scene.frame_current)
alambre's user avatar
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3 votes

Only render Frames with Markers (one camera only)

Sort of compilation from various answers (only tested in 2.79): ...
Serge L's user avatar
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2 votes

Motion Tracking Markers don't show up!

What you are missing is solving the scene if you want motion reconstruction in 3d. In the solve tab press Solve Camera Motion Once the scene is solved, open the scene setup and press Setup Tracking ...
susu's user avatar
  • 14.1k
2 votes

Active camera not changing according to markers in viewport

Untick the "Use Local Camera" Button in View Tab.
Yash Mittal's user avatar
2 votes

How to get current marker's name via python?

Each marker has a camera and a name property. Easy to figure out using the python console: ...
brockmann's user avatar
  • 12.7k
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How do you mark spots when you work with the measure tool?

Although this is not a setting or anything, this is the way I "mark" the spot of my measure so I can loopcut it: In solid preview mode, turn on X-ray and align the end of your measure to a ...
Bentley Carpenter's user avatar
2 votes

VSE - Move Markers and Strips Simultaneously

Selecting markers and clips, you can type -> G (to move) -> Number#frames This will move both simultaneously by frame count.
user2766712's user avatar
2 votes

Difficulty renaming timeline markers

Blender is sensitive to where you have placed the mouse pointer. To rename the marker you have to move it into the marker area at the bottom of the timeline. Otherwise, it will rename the selected ...
Blunder's user avatar
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1 vote

How to delete All Keyframes Not on a Marker?

Here's a script that will delete all keyframes from all selected objects except the keyframes where there is a Marker. In the following example, I have a Marker on ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
  • 14.2k
1 vote

How come when I render my animation in Blender the active cameras do not change like they do in the viewport?

Make sure that you don't have View > Local Camera enabled in the 3D Viewport. If this is the case, your animation will only be rendered from the camera which is selected there. If you have a second ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
1 vote

3D objects in tracker scene slide off position

The most common error is this: the shot has no parallax. Meaning that the camera is stationary, it is just rotating, but with no displacecement. Shots like those cannot be solved with the default ...
susu's user avatar
  • 14.1k
1 vote

Change length of motion track marker trails?

Open the movie editor. In 2.7x it is in the Marker Display panel. In 2.8 you can find the Clip Display dropdown on the top right. Length is at the bottom left.
Leander's user avatar
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