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21 votes

How can I instantiate a procedural node group with different parameters?

What is an Instance? An instance is the reference to an existing object. This object exists only once. An instance is therefore comparable to the Duplicate Linked function. The advantage of this: The ...
quellenform's user avatar
  • 38.4k
16 votes

How to render a collection instance but not the original collection in blender 2.8?

I have managed a way to help you with this issue. Yesterday I was trying the same thing and I realized a way to not render the original collection and only the models created with a collection ...
Manuel Medina Breton's user avatar
15 votes

Control Instance Color with Geometry Nodes

The solution has been added to Blender 3.0.0 Alpha recently and is called the Attribute Transfer node. There's a good YouTube tutorial by Entagma on it. Set the render engine to Cycles. Add an ...
Lukas's user avatar
  • 174
15 votes

Coral reef - How to blend scattered instances

Instead of deleting overlapping parts that results in heavily calculated mesh (the boolean version) ... could be more efficient to start from scratch - build base pattern structure and model coral ...
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
13 votes

Geometry node spacing along curve

The Curve to Points node is really useful for this. If you need even spacing instead of even amounts, change the mode from Count to Length. This would work on any curve (or multiple curves at once): ...
Tobias Einarsson's user avatar
12 votes

Lamp Posts: correctly oriented instances on a 3D curve

V3.1+ With Geometry Nodes and 3.1 version you can use the Curve to Points and Instance on Points nodes to instance lampposts along any 3D curve. You'll have to do a bit of trigonometry to rotate the ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 32k
12 votes

How can I use weight paint values to change the scale in geometry nodes?

Solution for Version 2.93 : You can use an Attribute Math (or Attribute Vector Math if you want non homogeneous scale) node to control the point scale with your vertex group weights. Input weights : ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 32k
11 votes

Instantiating objects and applying different material to them

Both the Object and Mesh classes actually have place to store materials. For object it is Object.material_slots and Mesh.materials. This means that Mesh always has their own "default" materials but ...
kheetor's user avatar
  • 1,418
11 votes

How to assign different material for instance objects

You can assign materials to objects, rather than their data... ... it's the little dropdown on the far right, just above 'Deselect'.
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k
11 votes

Control Instance Color with Geometry Nodes

I'm not sure to answer your question but I was struggling with setting colors to object instances and I finally managed to apply a texture input by simply using Object>location as Vector input for ...
jcfrog's user avatar
  • 119
11 votes

In Blender 3.0, how can we control instance properties (scale, etc.) by proximity?

You don't need geometry proximity to scale by prox to an empty. You just need to check the distance to the empty: Here it is with a falloff curve (using RGB curves node, but a float is a float.) I'...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 25.1k
10 votes

How to assign different material for instance objects

Let's see how to illustrate this. We will use this setup : A cube parented to a plane, then the plane is set to "Instance" its children on each of its vertices. As you noticed you can't ...
Gorgious's user avatar
  • 32k
10 votes

How to string objects of a collection along an axis depending on their size, applying random rotation and scaling without overlapping?

The task is to determine the space requirement (Bounding Box) of each object along a certain axis. If you would not additionally rotate and scale the instances individually, you would actually only ...
quellenform's user avatar
  • 38.4k
9 votes

Random color on multiple multi-component objects obtained by applying an array modifier

I think that you shouldn't use an array. Use a particle system instead. Create a mesh were the containers would be: Then add a particle system, star on 1 and end on 1, choose volume as emit form and ...
Mike GO's user avatar
  • 540
9 votes

Random color on multiple multi-component objects obtained by applying an array modifier

Use duplifaces Parent your object to an object made up of faces (you can create it using a single plane and an -- applied -- array modifier, or you can just build it creatively): Orange: your "...
Nicola Sap's user avatar
  • 12.9k
9 votes

Instancing - make real and join - duplicates itself

It's because all objects use the same Object Data. You need to make it unique before joining. Select "realed instances" go to Properties Editor > Data Properties and click on a number on the first ...
vklidu's user avatar
  • 37k
9 votes

How can I change binary numbers from from top to bottom?

Here's a shader-only approach. For this we'll need an Indexed Grid, which is a handy little group to have around, anyway: It wraps the texture-space into cells, gives each cell its own UV, and an X,Y ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k
9 votes

How to Generate a Collection of Instances in Geometry Nodes?

Put all types into Geometry to Instance node, And click on Pick Instance in Instance on Points node
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.7k
9 votes

Traffic along a curve in Geo Nodes without clipping (overlapping)

In your concrete case, you would only have to define a minimum distance between the individual points. To do this, simply add the math node Snap after the node <...
quellenform's user avatar
  • 38.4k
8 votes

Animation Nodes: Object Instancer | Update instances & Splines from object origin

Relationship Splines Create edges using the Create Edges Node from a list filled with the location of the source object and the locations of the instanced objects, then use the Splines From Edges ...
Omar Emara's user avatar
  • 22.6k
8 votes

How to make a shader with different emission strengths, depending on the object it is associated to?

You can get any object's local space with the Texture Coordinate node and use the distance from its center to create a falloff.
HISEROD's user avatar
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8 votes

Geometry node - instantiating a cube only in the middle of another geometry edge

Just a follow-up to the commentary on @possibly ferret's answer. You can instance directly on the edges of a mesh, and set the rotation, too.. .. here, in 2 stages: 1. around 'Auto' to put Z on the ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k
8 votes

How to align an object along a spiral without distortion?

An example how to do this in Geometry Nodes, best would be to use the Geometry Nodes wokspace layout by clicking it at the top menu bar. In your example you have a single object if I see it ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
8 votes

how can I make instances responsible to each-other

You could use a single integer number to describe all neighbors, by using the numbers bits (digits in binary representation) - I decided on a top-to-bottom, left-to-right ordering: leftmost (...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
7 votes

Scientific visualization - How to replicate instances around a sphere?

Globally dupli works on the convention that normals (vertex normals) correspond to the Y axis of the dupli. To orient the protein: First apply rotation and scale CtrlA so that we start with ...
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
7 votes

Can you use geometry node data to affect the material of instanced objects? (E.g. scale changes color)

No. You can't. You can, however, use common input for your shading nodes and geometry nodes: the empty's position: Of course as you can see it creates gradients: So you want to change each ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
7 votes

Geometry Nodes instance scale based on distance from other instances (Circle Packing)

Note: A real "Circle Packing" cannot be realized with Geometry Nodes alone, because essential nodes like e.g. Loops are missing. Therefore, there is no way around an additional tool if you ...
quellenform's user avatar
  • 38.4k
7 votes

Is there a "switch" to disable viewport geometry node instances (to reduce lagging in viewport)?

Here is the example. You can use Is Viewport node to get information that it is a viewport, not render. Then you can pass it to a switch node like this: When you'll have a switcher to version without ...
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.7k
7 votes

How do I randomize value per instance in geometry nodes

The Ico Sphere node creates only a single icosphere which is then instanced on the points. This is why they all look the same, they are all just duplicates of the same. To randomize each icosphere ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
7 votes

looking for a way to evenly space objects instances across mesh

This group will allow you to 'UV Map' any geometry in the 0-1 XY square, in the same way an image texture, onto the surface of a UV-mapped object, independently of the target's topology. This example ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k

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