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How can I Merge Two Adjacent Face Sets into One Single Face Set?

I have no idea how to select more than one face set, so the only way to do it - or at least how I would do it if it is just a small amount of face sets you want to combine, like two in your example - ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
2 votes

Problem with Solidify Modifier

Faces have an orientation, a front side and a back side. You can see this very clearly if you enable Backface culling in the Viewport Shading options menu: The Solidify modifier takes into account ...
Rekov's user avatar
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Blender switches individual origins to median when several faces selected

I guess what you mean is when you select connected faces. The Individual Origins does (and can) only work on single separate faces or mesh islands. Single faces: Mesh islands (selected faces with ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
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Select all small faces in solid mode from distance?

If your aim is to select all vertices included in the selection box, press Ctrl L after selection (Select all linked geometry).
josh sanfelici's user avatar
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Create triangulated faces from edge loop in one step

If you press Alt+F when in edit mode it will use the older "Fill Face" operator which automatically fills with tris. You might have the F2 addon activated which makes it to where "F&...
Jakemoyo's user avatar
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Snap to face problem: object is flipped 180 degrees and snapped to inside faces

I had the same issue. I applied all the transforms by clicking Ctrl + A and tried again and now my issue is fixed.
0Enxs's user avatar
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why is there weird shadows when I separate a model into 2 meshes? and is there a way to fix it?

Add a "Data Transfer" modifier, and transfer Face Corner Dat → Custom Normals from the original, whole mesh. You can then apply the modifier if you don't want to keep the original mesh. You ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
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why is there weird shadows when I separate a model into 2 meshes? and is there a way to fix it?

Since the torso and arms are now separate meshes and are not connected, there will be no smooth shading across them. Having the edges split between objects is producing the split normals that you ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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How can I split a large face into nice even triangles?

I ran into this question while trying to do this exact thing and I found a solution which works very well, while preserving the exact geometry of the border of your face. My method is as follows: ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Extrude Individual Faces function is not working

The tool to extrude individual faces without having to inset them first is not a new update, it has been around for a very very long time. It seems you confuse the Extrude Region and Move (or Extrude ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
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Flatten the bottom of a curved object

It is not very clear from your screenshot how the geometry of your object actually looks like. First of all I assume you made the ellipsoid by scaling a circle slightly on the Y axis in Object Mode. ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar

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