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8 votes

How can I fill this without filling the holes?

Try AltF instead of F (if you want to simplify the topology afterwards you can press X > Limited Dissolve):
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
7 votes

How can I delete interior faces after voxelization?

Shoot those damn internal faces down! 🧊 🔫 🤠
Markus von Broady's user avatar
7 votes

Weird Shadows, don't know how to fix it

The split normals (the normals that determine the shading) are messed up, click on the Clear Custom Split Normals Data button:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
5 votes

Trouble bridging edges between circles without creating unwanted patterns

Bridge Edge Loops is a very predictable and dependable tool- a workhorse. It looks like you selected a parts of two loops on the same mesh with an uneven number of points on either side. Here, I am ...
common_goldfish's user avatar
4 votes

"Weld edges into faces" problem

Your 2 vertices here are overlapping and disconnected, select all and press M > Merge by Distance and it will work:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
4 votes

How Can I Automatically Separate a Mesh into Individual Faces (meshes) in Blender?

in Edit mode, select all and AltM (Split) > Faces by Edges then P (Separate) > By Loose Parts
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
4 votes

Invisible Lines Splitting Faces

GPUs render various primitives like points, lines, voxels... But when you render a surface, it will be rendered using only triangles. So when you have a quad or "n-gon" face built on more ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
4 votes

How can I model a twisted marshmallow shape to have straight vertical line quad topology when viewed from the side?

You can begin with 4 symmetrized half circles: Then give it a Screw modifier, which should give something like what you want? At the end, apply the modifier, merge the vertices by distance, cut off ...
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
4 votes

Planes on Curves

What? We can examine the setup and perhaps gain some insight into what it is "trying" to accomplish. In your Odd Face Index Calculation frame, let's follow the data left-to-right… …and ...
Joel Reid's user avatar
  • 246
4 votes

Why aren't there dots in the center of faces in Blender 4?

It's not here by default anymore but you can activate their visibility in the Mesh Edit Mode Overlays panel > Center. Note that you need to be in Face select mode to see them :
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
4 votes

How can I Subdivide a Mesh into Even Square Faces?

No, you cannot fit perfect square faces on every cuboid. Let's take a simple example: a cuboid with dimensions that are not multiples of the same number. In this case, you cannot perfectly fit square ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
  • 14.2k
3 votes

Scale Tool Not Scaling Inwards - Only Scales Face Size

It scales faces individually because Individual Origins is selected in the Transform Pivot Point panel, instead of Median Point for example:
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

How to fix shading issue on the topology of the modified cylinder?

The current edge flow of your model does not meet the requirements to effectively support a Subdivision modifier, leading to shading issues. You could try to remodel it like this then just adjust the ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
  • 14.2k
3 votes

Solidify Modifier Not Working Properly

You can't modify the topology of an object that has "solidify" until you have applied it as a modifier. Until such time Blender will see it as a 2 dimensional plane.
The Jovial Brit's user avatar
3 votes

Model appears stretched out in Object Mode

Press AltH and you'll see some hidden vertices, delete them.
moonboots's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

Extrude Individual Faces function is not working

The tool to extrude individual faces without having to inset them first is not a new update, it has been around for a very very long time. It seems you confuse the Extrude Region and Move (or Extrude ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
3 votes

Blender switches individual origins to median when several faces selected

I guess what you mean is when you select connected faces. The Individual Origins does (and can) only work on single separate faces or mesh islands. Single faces: Mesh islands (selected faces with ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
2 votes

How Can I Select All Inner Faces of a Current Selection of Faces?

Why not just Ctrl+Click then Ctrl+Shift+Click? Or just directly Click one face at one corner and then Ctrl+Shift+Click the opposite corner.
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
  • 14.2k
2 votes

The subdivision modifier destroyed the flat surface

You can use edge creasing to keep the border from being affected by subsurf : select the border edges and either hit shift+E & drag, or increase the "crease" property in the sidebar (&...
Hadriscus's user avatar
  • 833
2 votes

How to fill a maple leaf shape properly?

Make a plane this size to cover the leaf outline and subdivide it as much as you need for simulation: While in edit mode, select leaf in outliner, so that blender is in edit mode of subdivided plane ...
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 36.6k
2 votes

Proportionally editing the highlighted area

That can be something like this: Start with a half cube (cut in half in Z axis). Flatten it in Z. Stretch it in X. Inset the top face. Add a loop cut along the X axis. Then another loop cut along Y ...
lemon's user avatar
  • 60.6k
2 votes

Add object on position of face

You connect your Viewer node to one geometry, where the captured attribute exists. If you connected it to the "Cube" geometry, you would also see zeroes in the spreadsheet. For the most part,...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
2 votes

Align cursor rotation to normal

The 3D cursor, when moved with ShiftRMB-drag, can be Ctrl snapped, so the settings on the left below will at least align its Z to face normal: But, as an aside, IMO, the 3D cursor tool is still ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k
2 votes

Why is the extrusion different when extruding a single face along its normal vs extruding a group of faces along their respective normals?

The difference is that when extruding a group of faces they are extruded along the averaged normal of all selected faces (no matter if they are connected or not) while extruding a single face only ...
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
2 votes

Why aren't there dots in the center of faces in Blender 4?

The dots only appear in X-Ray mode while in Edit mode, which you can enable with Alt+Z. You can also enable Normals, under Mesh Edit Overlays. (In the top-right, just to the left of X-Ray and the ...
aidan-j-rhoden's user avatar
2 votes

How can I fill this without filling the holes?

I'm not really sure if you are starting with an svg or what but if you are starting with a curve obj you can just go to the Geometry tab and extrude it before converting it to a mesh You can also ...
Cornivius's user avatar
  • 1,911
2 votes

How can I split and remove partially overlapping faces without Mesh Boolean?

Maybe a bit peculiar to this case, but here, you can selectively triangulate the diamond mesh by proximity of quad faces, and then selectively delete the resultant triangular faces by the same ...
Robin Betts's user avatar
  • 78.3k
2 votes

How can I fill the outline of a quarter ellipsoid with faces?

Extrude and snap to find the center (if you don't already have). Use Shift+S > Cursor to Selected to place the 3D Cursor there, then delete the center vertex. Add a dense sphere and scale it so to ...
josh sanfelici's user avatar

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