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Results for weight painting
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1 vote
1 answer

Is there any help with the deforming weight error rig?

I had a deforming weight error rig problem. I made the painting weight and then symmetry both arms. then The derform looks terrible when it's in pose mode. how do I solve this problem? …
Logan freeman's user avatar
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Thumb rotation won't follow IK control and weight painting issue with feet when posing [closed]

The bigger picture is the left wrist, after I rotated the IK controller a bit. the two smaller pictures show the deformation on the shoe even though the two bones connected to it have weight. … the geo just lags behind like that when it already has weight attached to it. …
444theway Of heaven444's user avatar
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Blender crashing when zoomed in and hide mesh [closed]

I'm just trying to do weight painting and zooming in is required but if it crashes my system every time then it's almost impossible. … I was fine in object mode and when I went to weight paint mode THEN it crashed …
Keyblade games's user avatar
0 votes

Rigging the eyes

are completely detached from all other parts of the mesh place the root of a bone in the dead-center of the volume of the eye (assuming it's a sphere) make sure that bone completely affects the eye via weightpainting make sure no other bones affect the eye via weight painting make sure the eye bone is properly parented to another bone, like the head bone. …
Warlax56's user avatar
  • 211
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Issue with weight painting and rig

Reset Vector Deleted the rig and re-rigged the whole model Deleted all groups for all objects and re-applied Deleted all groups for that dress only Checked for what I would think is influencing the mesh weight … thinking it'd help wrap the dress around the arm but it didn't Messed around with Pose mode and Rest mode Rigged only that arm This is now: How it should look: I also noticed that if I were to apply weight
Lodreus's user avatar
  • 13
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issues joining / control two armatures with one mesh - Joining mixamo rig & universal human rig

When you upload to Mixamo the bones will keep the same names and your weight painting will stay the same. …
Mike Albert's user avatar
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1 answer

Error With Mirroring and Weight Paint

Everything looks fine but when the weight painting is applied it only applies to half of the rig/model, and when I move into pose mode the movements on the left are mirrored by the right. …
shodai's user avatar
  • 25
2 votes

How can I make an already rigged model be controlled by newly added bones?

So you can add new bones to an existing armature, then create on the mesh some new vertex groups with the same name of the bones, and assign them some vertices with a weight (in edit mode) or via weightpainting. …
josh sanfelici's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

subtract brush cannot remove weight from model in weight painting

i tried all brushes and none of them can affect this point of model, i set brush setting to max weight and strength but it still cant remove that while it still able to remove weight from every other …
Ozus's user avatar
  • 31
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Mesh Stretching when in Posing in Sculpt Mode

I am trying to pose my model in sculpt mode (so not with weight painting + bones) and I am seeing a weird artifact when I move the model. …
Yecats's user avatar
  • 135
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1 answer

How do I make an object disappear with geometry nodes based on the location of an empty?

I am trying to recreate the effect of the mask modifier where faces gradually and smoothly disappear, but instead of using weight painting i want to use an empty's location to drive that effect. … So weight painting each and all is out of the question.] This file is how far i've got as a noob to Geo nodes. The problem here is that the whole geometry is getting deleted at once. …
Praneeth's user avatar
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rigify not showing the left hand. Edit*(dont know how to change the script to solve the bug)...

although its not done like I still need to use the weight painting to "rig?", but when I try to regenerate the rig the left arms not showing. … I don't know is it because I used the weight painting and adjust the rig (or maybe I did something wrong), and made the regenerate rig's "rig" not showing the left arm. …
drunktiger's user avatar
0 votes

How to scale out from the center of a cylinder?

First I select the outer vertices and assign them to a Vertex Group with a Weight of 1. Then I create a second cylinder slightly larger than the bumpy one. … By assigning gradually lower weights to the outer vertices manually or with weight painting etc. you can get a smoother transition. …
Gordon Brinkmann's user avatar
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FBX Export changes position of one object

In the attached blend file, I reduced my project to the bare minimum: the rig with one bone, and the icosphere parented to said bone, not via weight painting. …
lajawi's user avatar
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Why does my rigged arm look like a twisted plastic bottle?

My topology has lots of loop cuts, but even smoothing out the weight painting just makes another part of the chest area deform really badly. …
Biscoff Enthusiast's user avatar

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