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Questions about using light objects (point, sun, spot, and area), the world object, and shader nodes that have emission properties (principled, principled volume, and emission)

0 votes

Bloom option in Blender 3.0

It seems to be that you have switched to Cycles. This is an EEVEE option and not available in the Cycles.
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
4 votes

Light distribution measurements- Isolux curve for automotive lighting

These IES Photometric files, or IES Profiles, are a lighting industry standard method of diagramming the brightness and falloff of light as it exists a particular real world light fixture. … This type of photometric lighting is primarily used in Enterprise fields such as Media and Entertainment or Architecture and Manufacturing. You can use IES textures in Cycles in node editor. …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
3 votes

Lamp visible in solid shading, but not in rendered mode

Strength 18 for cycles spot lamp is to low. Try to increase this value up to 1000 or more
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
10 votes

What is causing this model to be "shiny" in Object mode?

Smooth Shading W -> Shade Smoth (in Edit Mode) Most objects are represented by polygons and truly curved objects are often approximated by polygon meshes. When rendering images, you may notice that …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
1 vote

Lighting appears black/non-existent

The object called "skybox" hidden in preview, but renderable - can it block light from sun? Look attentively in outliner. Object not marked with aye icon are invisible in preview, but they can be …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
3 votes

Why are my shadows stuck?

You switched Maximum draw type to Solid. Set this back to Textured And also note, that this type of lamps must be rotated, to see the effects.
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
0 votes

Duplication vertex lighting/color

Try using data transfer modifier. Vertex Color is in Face Corner Data. If Your objects have same topology, the best setting of matching vertex is Topology, otherwise try nearest corner and best matchi …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
5 votes

Blender Eevee, When i go to render mode i have lights but when i accually render it, the lig...

I see a lot of collections, which is disabled in viewport but active in render. One collection has a big amount of light sources. I think you don't know that currently EEVEE is limited by 128 light so …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
2 votes

How to create an Eevee-only light?

You can disable objects and lights in the Object data tab → Visibility → Ray Visibility (Uncheck all items in the list): These options only affects on Cycles, and they are available only as long as t …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
1 vote

Multiply all lights power values at once

You can add the same amount of numerals to values by holding ALT and click-and-drag value slider left or right. The box becomes blue in this case: But I don't know the tricks to multiply values but m …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
0 votes

Is it possible to backlight an image plane?

You can disable shadows in object properties → Visibility → Ray Visibility:
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
1 vote

Weird Grey Circle in Background While in Camera View

You are showing Clip Start/End here: But it doesn't work in camera view. You can edit camera limits in camera data:
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
0 votes

How to measure blender camera Dynamic range

OpenEXR format stores original linear color, without Filmic or any color management. For intermediate files in production, it is recommended to use OpenEXR files. These are always stored in scene lin …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
1 vote

Simulating a 40W Light Bulb

If your unit setup is tuned correctly: You should easily set up size and power: For color temperature, you should switch to cycles. In shader editor turn on use nodes for lamp, and add Blackbod …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k
0 votes

How to make a point light shine through a material

Transmission and Translucent materials are usually used for this type of behavior Transmission - Glass Translucent - leafs and paper-like materials If the light source is important for rest scene lig …
Crantisz's user avatar
  • 37.4k

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