You can accomplish this in multiple ways, the easiest way is to use a *Hair Info* node, and use the *Intercept* value to drive a *Converter > Color Ramp* node. Use this to drive the *Factor* on your mix or add shader node. Here is a quick example node setup: ![enter image description here][1] And here is how it renders: ![enter image description here][2] As you can see, the lower input into the *Mix Shader* is on the base of the hair, and the upper input is on the top of the hair. This will work on a *Color > Mix RGB* node as well. EDIT: It is also possible to add another set of colors on top of the first two, giving even more controlability: ![enter image description here][3] How it renders: ![enter image description here][4] More realistic colorings: ![enter image description here][5] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: