There doesn't exist a way to do this in the options of the obj importer so what you could do is run a script that loops over the items in your scene, check if it is a mesh and export the current selection to its own file relative to the path your blend file is saved. **Blender 3.1+** As of Blender 3.1.0 the name of the operator has been changed to [`obj_export()`][1] and is now part of the [`WindowManager`][2] namespace [`bpy.ops.wm.obj_export(filepath="//")`][1]: import bpy import os # Get the path where the blend file is located basedir = bpy.path.abspath('//') # Deselect all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # loop through all the objects in the scene scene = bpy.context.scene for ob in scene.objects: # Select each object ob.select_set(True) # Make sure that we only export meshes if ob.type == 'MESH': # Export the currently selected object to its own file based on its name bpy.ops.wm.obj_export( filepath=os.path.join(basedir, + '.obj'), export_selected_objects=True, ) # Deselect the object and move on to another if any more are left ob.select_set(False) **Blender 2.8+** As of [Blender 2.8.0][3] the selection attribute ([``][4]) has been removed in favor of get/set functions [`Object.select_set(State)`][5] and [`Object.select_get()`][6] to set and get the current selection state of each object: import bpy import os # Get the path where the blend file is located basedir = bpy.path.abspath('//') # Deselect all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # loop through all the objects in the scene scene = bpy.context.scene for ob in scene.objects: # Select each object ob.select_set(True) # Make sure that we only export meshes if ob.type == 'MESH': # Export the currently selected object to its own file based on its name bpy.ops.export_scene.obj( filepath=os.path.join(basedir, + '.obj'), use_selection=True, ) # Deselect the object and move on to another if any more are left ob.select_set(False) **Blender 2.7x** import bpy import os # Get the path where the blend file is located basedir = bpy.path.abspath('//') # Deselect all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Loop through all the objects in the scene scene = bpy.context.scene for ob in scene.objects: # Make the current object active and select it = ob = True # Make sure that we only export meshes if ob.type == 'MESH': # Export the currently selected object to its own file based on its name bpy.ops.export_scene.obj( filepath=os.path.join(basedir, + '.obj'), use_selection=True, ) # Deselect the object and move on to another if any more are left = False To further tweak your export options, see the parameters that [`bpy.ops.export_scene_obj()`]( accepts. For example, you can include normals with `use_normals=True`, change forward axis with `axis_forward` etc. There are more stringent checks that could be made but for simple use cases and if used properly, this should suffice. Also see ---- To have it export only selected objects, comment line `7` and change line `11`. # Remove bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Change to this where instead of the entire scene, we only look through selected objects for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: or keep line `11` and add another line for ob in scene.objects: # Add the check to see if in selected objects here if ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: # adjust indentation ... ... ***NB:*** Make sure the layers you have objects on are selected otherwise you will just get an empty file. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: