To be honest, I'm now a little stunned myself at how complicated the answer seemed at first, and how simple the solution is in the end. [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Animation 1][1]][1] [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Animation 2][2]][2] The basic idea here is to shorten all edges between the points proportionally, and thus find the closest point. This method saves a lot of calculations and complexity and is basically applicable to any shape (grid, sphere, cube, etc.): [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Concept][3]][3] **Here we go:** 1) First create your points with `Distribute Points on Faces`. [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Step 1][4]][4] 2) Then use the node `Convex Hull` to connect the points with a hull. This step is helpful because it gives us a triangulated mesh to work with further. And since we're dealing with a sphere here, we won't lose a point with this technique [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Step 2][5]][5] 3) Using the nodes `Extrude Mesh`, `Split Edges` and `Separate Geometry` you get the isolated edges of this mesh. [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Step 3][6]][6] 4) Then reduce the scale of each edge by half. [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Step 4][7]][7] 5) Now that the edges are reduced in proportion to their length, you can reliably find the nearest point with the node `Geometry Proximity`. If you then calculate the direction vector between your originally created points and the position results of `Geometry Proximity`, you will know in which direction the shortest vector points. [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Step 5][8]][8] 6) In the last step you only have to correct the length. Since you have shortened the edges by *50%* before, you simply scale the direction vector by $4$, which is exactly the point you were looking for (Apart from a few minor rounding errors). [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Step ][9]][9] The final result is this (Each previously created point is here connected to the nearest point): [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Result][10]][10] ...and with animated *Seed/Density* it looks like this: [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Animation 3][11]][11] Here is an overview of the node group: [![How could I get the distance of a point to its nearest point - Node Group][12]][12] Here is the blend file *(I added an additional view for debugging)*: [<img src="" />]( ...and as a bonus I added the animation to the blend file too, because it's so nice to see the thing in motion (even though I won't win any beauty contests with the node tree, but it's meant as a little animation example). [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: