Is there a way to change the "active" collection?
I can check witch collection is currently selected with this code:

    >>> bpy.context.collection['My Collection']

But I can't change it using this property because is read-only. Is there a way to do that?


After some research I found out **part** of the solution. I can use this code to get and set the active layer collection.

    # Get the current active layer collection and store it in x
    x = bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection
    # Select another layer collection from the outliner,
    # then use this code to restore x as active
    bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection = x

the new problem is that x is not a Collection object, is a LayerCollection and we can't pass any collection created with the method:

    myColl ='My Collection')

So the refined question is:
How to obtain a LayerCollection for a particular Collection to change the Active Collection?