My character rig needs shape key correctives when it makes certain poses (eg. lifting the arms, the shoulders need to be corrected with a shape key so they don't lose volume). I know you use a driver for that, but the way I find it in books and tutorials is to use a "Rotational Difference" driver between two bones (like between an arm bone and a reference bone pointing in the direction that should activate the shape key, so the driver is `1.0 - rotDifference`), and use that driver on the shape key. Like this: [![driver panel][1]][1] [![shapekey driver working][2]][2] The problem is that this driver *doesn't work well for this*, because when the bones roll around their aim vectors (without changing their actual directions), it still triggers the shape key: [![shapekey driver problem][3]][3] How else can I activate shape key correctives based on the rotation between two bones (and only their directions)? [1]: [2]: [3]: