[data to object] You can make a selection of the objects a create a group. The selection can be done manually by clicking on the 3D View . Perhaps by spelling of name if that happens to be your case. You may need to change your search to ... Python Script to [data to object] material. You may also look at Material addons in the User Preferences. Please improve my search suggestion. A Python Script might include statements such as bpy.context.object.material_slots[0].link = 'OBJECT' which can be seen in the information (info) window A Python script can perform [data to object] for you by iterating through that group and making the change. Currently I am not including a Script. If someone does not provide a Script in the near future and time is of the essence, for the above you may choose to do it manually. Multiple Materials to One Material I saw something I believe here at BSE an question which brought up a material matching in the form of a Script. I believe it reduces multiple matching materials into one material. That script may be on the [Related column] on this same BSE page, copy linked materials nodes to local nodes.