Got it to work with Bmesh (not necessary but easier to work with IMHO).
Had to add several chunks of code that will generate 4 waves as the main longitudinal edge loops, and add faces to the mesh.

This can be fairly easily expanded to generate other shapes, or non-quad based struts.

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Here's the code:

    import bpy, bmesh, math
    from mathutils import Vector
    import numpy as np
    zAmplitude = 1
    xAmplitude = 1
    numPoints  = 100
    yMin       = -0.5 * np.pi 
    yMax       = 3.5  * np.pi
    width      = 2
    def strut(x, node_dist = 5, amp = 1 ):
        """ Takes 1D array x, creates shape y values """
        return amp / 2 * np.cos(x) + amp / 2  # adjusting position and amplitude
    bm    = # Generate bmesh object
    loops = []          # Strut major longitudinal loops array
    # Calculate vertex coordinates
    # Essentially generate 4 longitudinal loops that represent the top, bottom. left and right edge loops of the strut
    for a, zw, xw in zip( np.linspace( -np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, 4 ), [ 1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 0, -1, 0, 1] ):
        y = np.linspace( yMin, yMax, numPoints )
        z = strut( y ) + zw * zAmplitude
        x = strut( y ) + xw * xAmplitude
        loop = []
        for xi, yi, zi in zip( x, y, z ):
            loop.append( Vector(( xi, yi, zi )) ) )
        loops.append( loop )
    # Add faces
    for i in range( len( loops ) ):
        for j in range( len( loops[i] ) - 1 ):
            verts = []
            if i == len( loops ) - 1:
                verts.append( loops[0][j] )
                verts.append( loops[0][j+1] )
                verts.append( loops[i][j + 1] )
                verts.append( loops[i][j] )
                verts.append( loops[i][j] )
                verts.append( loops[i][j + 1] )
                verts.append( loops[i+1][j+1] )
                verts.append( loops[i+1][j] )
    # Add caps faces
    for i in [0, len( loops[0] ) - 1 ]:[ loops[j][i] for j in range(len(loops)) ])
    # Generate mesh data and object, and link to scene
    m ='strut')
    o ='strut', m) o )
