There's probably a cleaner solution, but for the time being, you can use: import bpy from math import radians from mathutils import Vector, Matrix obj = bpy.context.active_object mesh = def get_layers(): """ return: tuple of 20 booleans. True if layer is active layer,False if not Allows the mesh to be created on the active layer. There is only 1 active layer """ active_layer = bpy.context.scene.active_layer layers = [False] * 20 layers[active_layer] = True return tuple(layers) def create_light_at_face(): """ layers: tuple. 20 booleans where exaclty one boolen is True return: None creates an area light the has the same orientation as the normal at the center of each face """ mat_world = obj.matrix_world up = Vector((0,0,1)) for poly in mesh.polygons: co = mat_world * Vector( forward = poly.normal.copy() forward.rotate(mat_world) right = forward.cross(up).normalized() # Vector.length closer to 1.0 up = right.cross(forward) rot = Matrix((right, up, -forward)).transposed().normalized().to_4x4() mat = Matrix.Translation(co) * rot bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='AREA', view_align=False, location=co, layers=get_layers()) # scale lamp up a little fo we can see the area = 3 bpy.context.object.matrix_world = mat create_light_at_face() Also tried eulers, but did not work reliably (some lamps pointing inwards). As ideasman_42, suggested, `to_track_quat()` can be used to do the job, too: quat = poly.normal.to_track_quat('-Z', 'Y') loc = Matrix.Translation( mat = mat_world * loc * quat.to_matrix().to_4x4() bpy.context.object.matrix_world = mat It's not much code less, but more understandable I hope. Another variant: loc = mat_world * Vector( # use loc as co for lamp_add operator here quat = poly.normal.to_track_quat('-Z', 'Y') quat.rotate(mat_world) bpy.context.object.matrix_world *= quat.to_matrix().to_4x4()