I was able to compile blender via scons on my Mac. From this [tutorial][1] ([archive][2]). Than I decided to edit existing icons … and that is my question. **Edit SVG?** If I do changes on SVG file placed in `~/blender-build/blender/release/datafiles`, I save SVG and run `python blender_icons_update.py` I can see for a moment two PNG icon files, but they disappear. Compiled blender from terminal `python scons/scons.py -j 5` results with original icons. Did I omit something? BTW - [Wiki page][3] has a note which I don't understand: "*... both inkscape and blender must be in the system PATH for this command to execute properly.*" I understood PNGs are generated from SVG, but for some part of icon edit it's easier to edit PNG for me. Is it possible to generate icons from PNG too? [1]: https://vimeo.com/16190129 [2]: https://cgcookie.com/archive/building-blender-in-osx/ [3]: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Doc/How_to/Add_an_icon