I want to import my character created in heroforge into blender to do some custom rendering.

I bought the Character as a Unity-Asset for 3D Tabletop Programs. As i a fairly noob in 3D modeling i followed the blender parts of this Guide https://www.reddit.com/r/talespire/comments/obx9tm/a_stepbystep_tutorial_to_get_your_hero_forge/ .

Textures extraced from the UnityPackage are:(texture_diffuse.png, texture_emissive.png, texture_metal.png, texture_normal.png, texture_occlusion.png)

The Diffuse Texture is mentioned in the guide and is reponsible for basic coloring, the others are not mentioned but should be relevant for light-reflection and surface details right?

This worked partly, what seems missing are some 'effects':
What works: Mesh itself, basic coloring
After experimenting and following some tutorials it seems that i got the normal map working.
[Rendering in Blender][1]
[Rendering from Heroforge][2]

So how do apply the other render effects and other things described in the Unity Package (it contains some kind of Material properties and some kind of armature i think) to recreate the rendering from heroforge?

  [1]: https://preview.redd.it/nvhgtggppt381.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=25016bc57b0b444d4c22d112bcc60225c8651ad8
  [2]: https://preview.redd.it/1ks9dnyrpt381.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=bff94c477a2c856e2084127aa4084bce91b6c359