Can someone show me a picture of the nodes for the following equation?

$$ \left(x - x\left(\frac{z}a\right)\right)^2 + \left(y - y\left(\frac{z}a\right)\right)^2 = r^2 $$
**EDIT**: The links that have been provided do not provide direct answers to the OP's original question and may have left them in the dark. OP has specifically asked how to plot a [Cartesian Equation][1] using *Geometry Nodes*. Unfortunately the links that have been provided do not provide sufficient information to make the connection and make the OP understand that they need to transform the given equation into something that is usable with Geometry Nodes. Instead, the answers have only provided example [Parametric Equations][2] which can directly be used in Geometry Nodes and thus have kept the OP in the dark as they cannot make the connection between their unusable original [Implicit Equation][3] and the equations used in the provided answers. I think the community deserves an answer explaining the necessity and maybe providing a method of transformaing his equation to the [3D Polar Coordinate System][4] so they can connect the dots. We know of somebody who can answer this and is happy to provide information. We are kindly asking moderation to re-open this question...
