Does one of you know whats the difference between _Camera HDRI_ and _World HDRI_ [![Lights panel in Blender 2.8's Preferences][1]][1] --- Blender 2.8 now have these options to import _Viewport HDRIs_ I've noticed that if i import a file (either _.hdr_, _.exr_, _.png_, and _.jpg_) as "**camera HDRI**", it **only** is shown as a Studio Light on **Solid Mode** [![Imported camera HDRI, showing only in Solid Mode Studio Light][2]][2] While importing as "**world HDRI**" it works **both** in **Solid** Mode's StudioLight and **LookDev** (Material) Mode [![Imported world HDRI, showing both in Solid Mode Studio Light and LookDev][3]][3] So... What's the purpose of have those two ways to import HDRs? Is it a bug, that, being each import mode work only for one Lighting type, make "World HDRI" work for Solid mode too? [1]: [2]: [3]: ------- **edit** This question was also posted on Blender Artists Got an awesome answer there, and make it clear Here's the link to the topic: