Does one of you know whats the difference between _Camera HDRI_ and _World HDRI_

[![Lights panel in Blender 2.8's Preferences][1]][1]


Blender 2.8 now have these options to import _Viewport HDRIs_

I've noticed that if i import a file (either _.hdr_, _.exr_, _.png_, and _.jpg_) as "**camera HDRI**", it **only** is shown as a Studio Light on **Solid Mode**

[![Imported camera HDRI, showing only in Solid Mode Studio Light][2]][2]

While importing as "**world HDRI**" it works **both** in **Solid** Mode's StudioLight and **LookDev** (Material) Mode

[![Imported world HDRI, showing both in Solid Mode Studio Light and LookDev][3]][3]

What's the purpose of have those two ways to import HDRs? Is it a bug, that, being each import mode work only for one Lighting type, make "World HDRI" work for Solid mode too?



This question was also posted on Blender Artists
Got an awesome answer there, and make it clear
Here's the link to the topic: