**Ditch the `Enum`.**

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

AFAIC Using an enum property to list the materials has been superseded by using a pointer property to the ID object type. In this case a material.



Have used this option here.  Given the property group a `material` property, which is a pointer to blend material, or `None` if not set.

An update method on this property sets the objects active material to the sauna specific one chosen.

Added a boolean property to material type to flag (poll)) it as a "Sauna Cloud" material.  The only materials that poll  will have this set as true.

A select menu is drawn by the UI using a `UILayout.prop(...)` (commented out) or with the ID template.  (_Note_ a custom operator to  add material can be set here, I took out the generic add material_) 

**Other alterations.**

Drew the context objects material slots in the  panel and an option to add a new one. Further to this would be to define your own `UIList` to add the "Is sauna material" checkbox in the list, add a filter etc.

Displayed the is sauna material checkbox, in panel and prepended it to Material Preview panel, by way of example.

Set the context members `material` (_`context.material`  only exists in the PROPERTIES area, otherwise needs to be set for material operators_) which can used in your addons custom operators, with buttons in this layout,  as

    mat = context.material
    sc_mat = context.sauna_cloud_material

or in hindsight  `sc = context.sauna_cloud`. 

Changed the namespace from `SC` to `SAUNA` and would go as far as to say even `SAUNA_CLOUD`  The naming convention,  `_PT_` for panel type.  is all about limiting name clashes. 

    import bpy
    from bpy.props import PointerProperty, BoolProperty
    from bpy.types import PropertyGroup

    class SaunaCloudPanel:
        bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
        bl_region_type = 'UI'
        bl_category = "Sauna"
        def poll(cls, context):
            ao = context.active_object
            return ao and ao.type == 'MESH'

    class SAUNA_PT_Wall(SaunaCloudPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
        bl_idname = "SAUNA_PT_Wall"
        bl_label = "Wall"

        def draw(self, context):
            layout = self.layout
            sc = context.scene.saunacloud
            ob = context.active_object
            mat = ob.active_material
            layout.context_pointer_set("material", mat)
            layout.context_pointer_set("sauna_cloud_material", sc.material)
            box = layout.box()
            box.prop(ob, "name")
            col = box.column()
            col.template_list("MATERIAL_UL_matslots", "", ob, "material_slots", ob, "active_material_index", rows=5)
            if mat:
                col.prop(mat, "is_sauna_cloud")
            #col.prop(sc,  'material', text=getattr(sc.material, "name", "None"))
            col.template_ID(sc, "material")

    class SAUNA_Global_Props(PropertyGroup):
        def poll_material(self, material):
            print("poll", material.name, material.is_sauna_cloud)
            return material.is_sauna_cloud

        def update_material(self, context):
            scene = self.id_data
            sc = self
            ob = context.object
            mat = self.material
            # debug print
            print(f"Update object: {ob.name} with material: {mat.name}")
            ob.active_material = mat

        material : PointerProperty(

    classes = (

    def draw_sc_material_checkbox(self, context):
        mat = getattr(context, "material", None)
        self.layout.label(text=mat.name if mat else "None")
        if mat:
            self.layout.prop(mat, "is_sauna_cloud")

    def register():
        for cls in classes:
        bpy.types.Scene.saunacloud = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SAUNA_Global_Props)
        bpy.types.Material.is_sauna_cloud = BoolProperty()

    def unregister():
        for cls in classes:

    if __name__ == "__main__":

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/nRlCW.gif