This is a task that can be solved wonderfully with *Geometry Nodes*.

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Primarily, the `Curve to Mesh` node is used, which creates a mesh from your curve and your profile.

The *UVs* are the tricky part here.

They are not provided by the `Curve to Mesh` node and therefore have to be generated by yourself.

However, this is easier than it looks: Basically, you just have to transfer the generated *Face Corners* into a coordinate system so that you get a solid *UV mapping* for it.

You can use the node group directly like this, or modify it further.

I will briefly go through the steps:

1) Both curves are first transformed to their relevant points using the node `Resample Curve` and the setting *Evaluated*.
2) Next, the values for *Factor* and *Index* are collected from both curves using the node `Spline Parameter`.
3) Additionally we need the number of points of the profile, and multiplied by $4$ we get the number of *Face Corners* per section.
4) With a little bit of logic we mark the *Face Corners* which are located at the last point of the profile and at the last point of the curve.
    The supplied indexes are in the order $0, 1, 2, 0$ and for a UV mapping we need the order $0, 1, 2, 3$.

    So if the logic says that it is an endpoint, then we just put the value $1$ there instead of the factor.

5) Lastly, in this example, only the calculated vector (per *Face Corner*!) is stored with `Store Named Attribute` and referenced in the shader via the Node `Attribute`. If your Blender version is lower than 3.2, then you would need to pass that value to *Group Output* instead.

Here is an overview of the entire Node Group:

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

Here is the blend file:

[<img src="" />](<br><sub>*(Blender 3.2+)*</sub>

- The node `Store Named Attribute` (or the *Group Output*) must use an attribute of type *Vector*, which uses *Face Corner* as *Attribute Domain*!
- The profile must be closed (cyclic spline).
- This solution does not work with curves that consist of several splines.
