EDIT: pointed out in a comment: my code needed some error handling and I didn't demonstrate how to use an override with arguments. Here is an example of how to use an override to allow you to invoke `apply_pose_asset`: ``` python win = bpy.context.window scr = win.screen assets = [area for area in scr.areas if area.type == 'FILE_BROWSER'] if len(assets): region = [region for region in assets[0].regions if region.type == 'TOOLS'] if len(region): override = { 'window': win, 'screen': scr, 'area' : assets[0], 'region': region[0], 'scene' : bpy.context.scene, } bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose_asset(override, pose_index=- 1) else: print("Current Pose Library does not have a tools menu open.") else: print("There is no Pose LIbrary open.") ``` The override is inserted into the function call as the first argument, all other arguments remaining the same. The override argument takes the form of a Python dictionary. Each entry represents one piece of context to override. The above example shows the complete override for the command. Note that the area type is `FILE_BROWSER`. That is the area type of the editor window that the command expects to run in. Note: The command itself uses the first valid entry in the catalog if none are selected, or the active entry if one is selected.