Answer valid for version 3.1


There are 3 parameters for caching the fluid domain object in version 3.1:

- Cache parameters:

  [![enter image description here][1]][1]  

  These parameters are additional to `Start` and `End` defining the frame range for the animation, found in the `Output` tab of the properties (and duplicated on the timeline).

- For information, the frame range:

  [![enter image description here][2]][2]  

Two of the cache parameters, `Start` and `End`, are used when precomputing the result and storing it into the cache for accelerated previewing and rendering (*bake* is the meaningless wording in Blender's parlance for more meaningful *precomputing* in common language). These parameters indicate which section of the animation is to be be precomputed and cached.

The third parameter, `Offset`, is used when the cache is recalled for previewing or rendering the animation. When zero, the animation is played/rendered with the frames cached without alteration. When non zero, frame n in the cache is rendered as frame n+offset. Said otherwise when Blender wants to render frame n, it looks for frame n-offset in the cache.

With default parameters `Start`=1, `End`=250, `Offset`=0, the operations take place like this:

[![enter image description here][3]][3]  

With customized parameters `Start`=100, `End`=150, `Offset`=100, the operations take place like this:

[![enter image description here][4]][4]  

Caching is done on the selected animation frame segment 100-150. 50+1 frames are cached with their original frame number. Note that the selected range must exist, else it is adjusted by removing inexistent frames (as defined in `Output` tab).

Rendering is done by using the cached range 100-150 for rendered frames 200-250, using the offset. There is no framerate adjustment, neither when caching, neither when rendering.
