One way you could do this is by using [freestyle][1]: <!-- 1. Enter edit mode (Tab) and --> 1. Create a transparent material and assign it to your objects: ![enter image description here][2] 2. Enable freestyle in *Render settings*: ![enter image description here][3] 3. In *Render layers*, set the line visibility to QI range and set the end to 1: ![enter image description here][4] Think of the QI range like a sort of depth index; faces directly visible to the camera are 0, faces behind those faces are 1, faces behind those faces are 2, etc. By only rendering lines on faces between 0 and 1 (inclusive), you can get a result like in your example image. ---- Or you could use wireframe materials: ![enter image description here][5] See [this question][6] for details. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: