I have an object in the world centre, that I want fully lit from a sphere. In Blender, you can add hemi-sphere lights. I did not find a way to change the hemisphere into a full sphere. Can that be done? As an alternative, I thought I would just add two hemispherical lights to my scene, like so: [![enter image description here][1]][1] To my surprise, this does **not** yield an object, evenly lit from all sides. The hexagons on this torus that are perfectly vertical, receive **zero** light. [![enter image description here][2]][2] Why wouldn't two hemispherical lights add up to a scene that is fully lit from all sides? And second, how should I achieve this instead? I am using Cycles. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/O9hSN.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/z2RYE.png