I was able to [compile blender via scons][1] on my Mac. Thanks Sebastian :)

Than I decided to edit icons … and that is my question ...

**Edit PNG?**

On a [wiki page][2], almost at the bottom "*Add the Icon Graphic*" is written: "For testing you can edit blender_icons16.png/blender_icons32.png". So I did a changes on these two PNG files in `~/blender-build/build/darwin/data_source` directory. Compiled again from terminal `python scons/scons.py -j 5`. Changes on this PNG files were overwrite with untouched SVG version. Is there a way how to build blender from existing "build" folder? Or does I have to change something else?

**Edit SVG?**

If I do changes on SVG file placed in `~/blender-build/blender/release/datafiles` and run `python blender_icons_update.py` I could see for a moment two PNG icon files, but they disappear. Wiki has a note which I don't understand: "*... both inkscape and blender must be in the system PATH for this command to execute properly.*"

Thank you for help. 
I know that originally are PNG generated from SVG, but for some part of editing it's easier to edit PNG for me. So it would be helpful for me to understand how to update icons from both formats, svg and png too.

  [1]: http://cgcookie.com/blender/2010/10/25/building-blender-in-osx/
  [2]: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Doc/How_to/Add_an_icon