All your scene objects are contained within this cube that I added, it is 1476' wide and 1235' high:


And here you see the cube in relation to the camera you are using, it is at X = -37129' and Z = 22889'! Apart from being very, very far away from the whole scene (which might be intended), it is also facing in the opposite direction.

[![camera distance][2]][2]

I'm not going to fix this for you since I have no idea if this is supposed to be at this large scale and what you want the animation to be... this is just to let you know why there are no objects visible in the camera view.

**//EDIT:** You mention the shuttle and "Me" not being visible after frame 582. As I explained above, your camera is way off, but maybe I have to make it more clear with images.

This is on frame #582, the camera is behind the shuttle, the shuttle is visible in front of it and also if you would switch the _3D Viewport_ to _Rendered_ view:

[![shuttle in view][3]][3]

Now if you go just one step further to frame #583, I can zoom out a little to show you where the camera is and where the shuttle. It is way below the camera, so of course it will not be visible in the render:

[![shuttle dropping down from view][4]][4]

Go even one step further to #584 and the camera is already so far off that it's impossible to ever get the shuttle into view, here is a short step by step view from the side what's happening from frame #582 to #584:

[![camera running off][5]][5]

Another thing is, when I hit <kbd>F12</kbd> to render the scene on frame #582 with the shuttle still in view, everything is fine until the compositing finished - than the view is covered completely in a light grey color. But I'm not going to analyze this complex setup in the _Compositor_ to find out what's going on there - the main reason your objects disappear is the camera flying off in the distance.

Here just the comparison between what is rendered from the camera and the result after compositing, I have no idea if that is supposed to be like that:

