[![enter image description here][1]][1] The image above shows a mesh with a sphere shape. It is symmetric about the 3 axis similar to a cube. Note the red faces have a 3 corner not a 4 corner. Not a UV Sphere. The mesh will work symmetrically along x, y, z axis with a cast cuboid modifier. In the image in your original question concentric rings of the UV Sphere are placed along the z-axis. Speaking about the default situation. So the there is an asymmetry regarding the z-axis. So the mathematics amplifies this asymmetry. You will get slightly better results if you subdivide your mesh again. You can edit the sphere in [edit] mode and rotate 90 on the y axis. The asymmetry deformation will be rotated as well. I will place a better [cast] image here in a moment. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/ZXcf6.png