There are a couple of options that come to mind, depending upon how much precision is needed. If a vertex in the one object needs to exactly match the co-ordinates in the second, then in edit mode select the vertex at the position you want to move to, and from the snap tool menu, choose the "cursor to selected" option. Then switch to object mode, and select the object in which you want to move the cursor, switch to edit mode, and select the cursor you want to move, and using the snap tool, choose the "selected to cursor" option.

If slightly less precision is needed, then in object mode, one might be able to locate the 3D cursor visually. In top view (<kbd>Numpad7</kbd>), object mode, locate the cursor relative to the x and y axes by clicking the LMB where the cursor is to be located. Then switch to side view (<kbd>Numpad3</kbd>), or front view (<kbd>Numpad1</kbd>), and click the LMB to set the 3D cursor relative to the Z axis. Select the object in which you want to move the cursor, switch to edit mode, and select the cursor you want to move, and using the snap tool, choose the "selected to cursor" option.