I am trying to write a script to use in the Sverchok addon, that utilizes a file path input, but I am having trouble making this work.

Here is my script:

    in path FP
    out Attibute s
    import geopandas as gpd
    import pandas as pd
    import fiona
    import numpy as np
    path2 = path
    gpd1 = gpd.read_file(path2, layer = "test shapes - polygons 1")
    # call geo interface method on geodataframe
    gi = gpd1.__geo_interface__
    # variable to control which attribute is being extracted
    variableAttribute = 'Integer'
    # create empty list to add attributes to
    listAttribute = []
    # loop through geointerface (gi) and extract values from the 'Integer' column, and add them to the list created above
    for features in range(len(gi['features'])):
        value = [gi['features'][features]['properties'][variableAttribute]]
    Attribute = listAttribute

Here is a screenshot of my node setup:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

For some reason, the filepath input works in a basic script (see the 'test_filepath1.py' in the screenshot). But, when trying to implement this in a more complex script, I cannot make this work. 

Here is a zip file with sample data, blend file, and scripts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GZMr7hYXxMN8YJNQ2lIls4B7O_ANEI1F/view?usp=sharing

Any ideas or info on why this isn't working? Thanks, 

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/s3Jwj.jpg