This may be a two-fold question, but I think I got an answer on the first part, which then leads to the second part: In order to keep the strain of running an "detect updates" function, as low as possible, I would like to make it as streamlined as possible. But there doesn't seem to be an equivalent to ex. "" (for the motion tracker clip) for the sequencer? So I guess the only way is to compare the currently active strip's data with the data of a previous active strip, but how do I do that? import bpy from import persistent global oldStrip oldStrip = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.active_strip @persistent def sequencer_update(context): #if # Updates on tracker file updates. No sequencer .is_updated function? activeStrip = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.active_strip print("Active strip: "+str( """ # if oldStrip != activeStrip: # if = if oldStrip.frame_final_start == activeStrip.frame_final_start and oldStrip.frame_final_end == activeStrip.frame_final_end: print("Strip not moved, maybe a rename or other property changes?") if oldStrip.frame_final_start != activeStrip.frame_final_start and oldStrip.frame_final_end != activeStrip.frame_final_end: print("Entire strip moved") if oldStrip.frame_final_start != activeStrip.frame_final_start and oldStrip.frame_final_end == activeStrip.frame_final_end: print("Start handle moved") if oldStrip.frame_final_start == activeStrip.frame_final_start and oldStrip.frame_final_end != activeStrip.frame_final_end: print("End handle moved") oldStrip=activeStrip else: print("New strip selected") """ oldStrip=activeStrip #Register def register(): handlers = for handler in handlers: if ("sequencer_update" in str(handler)): handlers.remove(handler) handlers.append(sequencer_update) def unregister(): handlers = for handler in handlers: if ("sequencer_update" in str(handler)): handlers.remove(handler) #Unregister operators bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) if __name__ == "__main__": register() #unregister()