**Ditch the `Enum`.** [![enter image description here][1]][1] AFAIC Using an enum property to list the materials has been superseded by using a pointer property to the ID object type. In this case a material. https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/199233/custom-search-data-to-uilayout-prop-search https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/74904/search-custom-properties-in-objects-on-the-scene-python/101303#101303 Have used this option here. Given the property group a `material` property, which is a pointer to blend material, or `None` if not set. An update method on this property sets the objects active material to the sauna specific one chosen. Added a boolean property to material type to flag (poll)) it as a "Sauna Cloud" material. The only materials that poll will have this set as true. A select menu is drawn by the UI using a `UILayout.prop(...)` (commented out) or with the ID template. (_Note_ a custom operator to add material can be set here, I took out the generic add material_) **Other alterations.** Drew the context objects material slots in the panel and an option to add a new one. Further to this would be to define your own `UIList` to add the "Is sauna material" checkbox in the list, add a filter etc. Displayed the is sauna material checkbox, in panel and prepended it to Material Preview panel, by way of example. Set the context members `material` (_`context.material` only exists in the PROPERTIES area, otherwise needs to be set for material operators_) which can used in your addons custom operators, with buttons in this layout, as mat = context.material sc_mat = context.sauna_cloud_material or in hindsight `sc = context.sauna_cloud`. Changed the namespace from `SC` to `SAUNA` and would go as far as to say even `SAUNA_CLOUD` The naming convention, `_PT_` for panel type. is all about limiting name clashes. import bpy from bpy.props import PointerProperty, BoolProperty from bpy.types import PropertyGroup class SaunaCloudPanel: bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = "Sauna" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): ao = context.active_object return ao and ao.type == 'MESH' class SAUNA_PT_Wall(SaunaCloudPanel, bpy.types.Panel): bl_idname = "SAUNA_PT_Wall" bl_label = "Wall" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout sc = context.scene.saunacloud ob = context.active_object mat = ob.active_material layout.context_pointer_set("material", mat) layout.context_pointer_set("sauna_cloud_material", sc.material) box = layout.box() box.prop(ob, "name") col = box.column() col.template_list("MATERIAL_UL_matslots", "", ob, "material_slots", ob, "active_material_index", rows=5) col.operator("object.material_slot_add") if mat: col.prop(mat, "is_sauna_cloud") #col.prop(sc, 'material', text=getattr(sc.material, "name", "None")) col.template_ID(sc, "material") class SAUNA_Global_Props(PropertyGroup): def poll_material(self, material): return material.is_sauna_cloud def update_material(self, context): scene = self.id_data sc = self ob = context.object mat = self.material # debug print print(f"Update object: {ob.name} with material: {mat.name}") ob.active_material = mat material : PointerProperty( type=bpy.types.Material, poll=poll_material, update=update_material, ) classes = ( SAUNA_Global_Props, SAUNA_PT_Wall, ) def draw_sc_material_checkbox(self, context): mat = getattr(context, "material", None) self.layout.label(text=mat.name if mat else "None") if mat: self.layout.prop(mat, "is_sauna_cloud") def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) bpy.types.Scene.saunacloud = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=SAUNA_Global_Props) bpy.types.Material.is_sauna_cloud = BoolProperty() bpy.types.MATERIAL_PT_preview.prepend(draw_sc_material_checkbox) def unregister(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) bpy.types.MATERIAL_PT_preview.remove(draw_sc_material_checkbox) if __name__ == "__main__": register() **To answer the question,** in an update or items method `self` is the propertygroup and `self.id_data` the ID object down the chain it belongs to. Scene in this case. To get the enum value in either self.matlist Consider defining an enum and using same on material and object to poll instead of relying on naming convention. enum = EnumProperty(... our types ...) bpy.types.Material.sauna_type = enum bpy.types.Object.sauna_type = enum You can't set properties of ID objects in a draw method. In the update method, to do same as above ob.active_material = bpy.data.materials.get(sc.matname) however IMO far better to poll a pointer. Import `from bpy import context` into the poll method to get context object. eg using matching enums, def material_poll(self, material): from bpy import context ob = context.object return material.sauna_type == getattr(ob, "sauna_type", None) or via name slicing method used in question [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/nRlCW.gif