As for Blender 3.6 the script by @iyad-ahmed stopped working because Blender added new builtin orientation `PARENT`. 

Previous script was relying that there will be exactly 6 builtins, I've updated the script so that it will get the actual list of builtin transformations so it won't break the next time Blender adds/removes new transformation.

PS there is still no other way to get list of all custom orientations besides parsing exception message and excluding builting.

    import bpy
    context = bpy.context
    transform_slots = context.scene.transform_orientation_slots
    builtin_transforms = [i.identifier for i in['type'].enum_items]
    # hacky (but the only way) to get the all available transforms
        context.scene.transform_orientation_slots[0].type = ""
    except Exception as inst:
        exec("transforms = " + str(inst).split("in")[1])
    for transform in transforms:
        if transform in builtin_transforms:
        transform_slots[0].type = transform