Greetings blender community, i come to you this day requesting your god-like knowledge as my last resource to enlighten me about one annoying issue that keeps me stuck in my blender time.

My english is bad, i apologize for my bad english.

i've been watching tutorials and learning by my own too, but i cannot seem able to find an answer for this case in particular, or just simply i don't know how to describe it. :(

==== Context ====

I am rigging a bit large dragon model for a game. when it comes to the tail bones, i have 3 bones making his tail and they have "limit rotation" constraint, but bones seem to care a crispysht to what contstraints mean.

when im testing the Y axis rotation limit, instead of going up and Down, it makes this kind of "S" shape slide. funny and weird, because i explicitly reminded it that it's totally incapable of rotate over his X AXIS, and the bone just Says: "FUG YOU, FUG THE CONSTRAINTS, i'm an independent bone from now, ima roll over my parent head!".

The GIF will clarify to you what i mean, 

in Resume: when i test Rotation on Y Axis on the tail, first up/down then it goes to right/Left like if the tail moves in "S" Form but X Axis is limited to 0:0. I honestly don't know much about rotation engines or measures like Euler or quaternion, i've not messed with that yet.
Help me great community.


Attached blend file for further comprehension of my issue.
