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How to use Grab tool at multiple objects at same time?

I am new to blender. Is there any way to sculpt different object at same time. Just like zbrush Transpose master or T-Pose tool
BLANK's user avatar
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How do I do Catmull-Clark subdivision without losing mesh volume?

ZBrush has a pretty well known way to subdivide without losing volume or details but still using Catmull-Clark and getting the smoothing benefits:
mimmy's user avatar
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my polygon stretched out when sculpitng?

Hi, I'm working on this 3d sculpt in blender and Im having this issue on the arm where the lines get streched if you see the torso it looks fine but the arm is messed up. I pulled the arm out. I'm ...
Jakhir's user avatar
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Blender to Zbrush problem

When importing my .obj from Blender to Zbrush it looks off. I've tried exporting it as a .fbx with no luck, and different kinds of subdiv levels. I'm not sure what info is relevant, so please ask, but ...
eky's user avatar
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How to ease out the retopology works on Blender, like in Zbrush with groups and remesh, for a character you need to animate?

I've been using Blender to sculpt recently, and I'm sculpting a character that I want to animate. I'd like to make groups to remesh separately from the rest of the mesh, and ease out the retopology ...
Alex_kp's user avatar
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Why can't I sculpt on a plane when using Subdivision Surface? [duplicate]

When I add Subdivision Surface I just simply can't sculpt anymore, works with multiresolution...any ideas why is that? Thanks
Vlad Ilisan's user avatar
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How to make photo scanned 3D brushes?

How to make photo scanned brushes if I have these?
Vlad Ilisan's user avatar
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Custom brush for sculpting?

Can I make a custom brush for sculpting with this materials and imitate some of the brushes from this paid pack?(paid pack: )
Vlad Ilisan's user avatar
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Can I Move a mesh from Zbrush to Blender?

There is a way to transfer a mesh from Zbrush to Blender? I'm using Blender 2.77 and Zbrush 4R7.
Fuboski's user avatar
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