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Export for Animation as Transparent Background Problem

Ok so I render with transparent, I turn on the container: quick time and video codec: QuickTime animation. if you see blue after rendering, don't worry about it, it's back to normal when I put it into ...
Logan freeman's user avatar
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How Do You Use Transparent Video In Blender Video Editor?

Every time I import a video with transparency in the Blender video editor, the transparent parts show up as black. The transparency works fine on other video editors. I also did turn on alpha over. ...
TrueFacts's user avatar
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What can be the reason for Blender 2.9+ not decoding Alpha channel in a video

I'm having strange issue with Blender 2.9 and above (so 3.0 too), which is not happening for earlier versions. Video Sequence Editor has trouble working with .mp4 encoded using PNG video codec, ...
Mzidare's user avatar
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Fading Text In and Out - Video Sequence Editor

I'm having difficulty getting text in my video to fade in and out. Currently, if I add text, it simply pops up without any transition. I've attempted doing something similar to fading video clips in ...
KassBirbMan's user avatar
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I need help making a logo animation transparent for client to use in after effects

I have made an animation in blender of an animated logo. I am ready to render but I don't know how to render it to where the video output is ready to be placed in after effects or other video ...
Robert Dold's user avatar
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How do I make my background image in VSE visible?

I imported my background image. It shows in default view but won't show in VSE, how do I make it visible?
Ron Jab's user avatar
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Can Blender take two video files and overlay them with transparency?

Can Blender take two video files and overlay them with transparency? Essentially I want to have a video sequence playing while a 2nd sequence is overlayed and also playing, but that 2nd sequence is ...
Docconcoct's user avatar
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A better way to composite one video sub-clip over another with chroma key?

What I want is to chroma key a short segment from one video strip (a title overlay in the middle of a longer video), over another video strip background. I can't see any compositing options in the ...
smashuu's user avatar
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Animating masks to create multiple wipes [duplicate]

So... I'm making yet another video. And I want to recreate this effect: (its in the first 15 seconds) So I have kinda the general idea of how to do this, ...
DragonHeart's user avatar
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