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Questions tagged [vertices]

A vertex (plural vertices) is the point where two or more edges intersect. Used to manipulate the shape of a mesh in Edit mode.

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How do I delete these verts that were extruded instead being connected with the rest of the model?

The problem is the verts sticking out and they aren't possible to delete for whatever reasons.
End's user avatar
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Sharp edges when merging vertices

When we merge vertices by distance, there's an option called sharp edges which creates sharp edges based on the custom normals data. I want to create a button using python, which when pressed, should ...
Arshad MJ's user avatar
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Subdivision and Face selection problems

I'm looking to accurately subdivide a face. Please walk with me. I have an object on my screen. In the edit mode, I'm looking subdivide that face. I select the immediate top left vertex and the ...
Ogunlesi Taiwo's user avatar
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Add Noise to Mesh such that vertices are moved

I'm a novice with blender, and I'm trying to use it to make some maps for use with robotics simulation in Gazebo. Currently, I'm trying to use noise from geometry nodes to perturb the positions of an ...
ajgoddu's user avatar
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How to smooth between colored faces

To start with, I have vertex color and color the faces between them based on vertex color. But as you can see in the images clearly that triangles are obvious. I want to find a way to smooth the color ...
Kerei's user avatar
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why aren't some vertices merging when merging by distance?

I keep trying to merge some vertices by distance. And even when they are super close, or even on top of each other, they don't merge. Why is this?
user280339's user avatar
3 votes
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Geo Nodes - Mark selected Edges Sharp

I am selecting edgeloops with Geometry Nodes based on index and the Preview node shows me the expected behavior, it marks the two loops I'm aiming for. However, now I want to set those two edge loops ...
STRGnine's user avatar
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Why does dissolving these edges change the shape?

I'm trying to finish cleaning up my imported STL from SolidWorks. But the last few Delete -> Dissolve Edges keeps distorting the geometry. This was the original import I used a combo of Delete -&...
persyst's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a circle like LoopTools but only one quarter of it?

I'm trying to find a fast way to model the edges to quarter of a circle. Quarter of what LoopTools > Circle does. Currently I do LoopTools > Circle Then this is the result but I only want the ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How to create a sharp edge from this object?

im trying to figure our how to create sharp edges, I was following this tutorial of how to create the apple vision pro, and when the guy got to the part about creating share edge mine was none doing ...
MM10101010101's user avatar
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An improved version of "to sphere" in geometry nodes

I need an improved version of the To Sphere tool. The existing tool does its job well, but it does not adjust the distance between vertices at all. With the new ability to turn geometry nodes into ...
arachnoden's user avatar
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My hair cards vertex count range from 50k to 100k, would that be considered reasonable or sloppy?

I just can never make hair look smooth and realistic without winding up with excessive amounts of vertices. I'm intending to create hair for both games and animation, so I'm wondering if this ...
Sjun's user avatar
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Developer options not showing up in overlay

I have enabled Developer Extras in Blender Preferences > Interface > Display, but it will not show up in my Overlay drop down? I need to enable vertex IDs so I can fix a weight issue, but cant ...
Atomiklan's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I select all edges that form part of a square without a face via python?

I have empty squares (those with exactly 4 edges only) in my 2D mesh and I need to fill them with faces via python but I don't know how to automatically select these edges. Is it possible to select ...
Megan Love's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I remove a point of junction and reconnect 2 meshes via python?

I have a set of problematic meshes that have junction vertices (those with 4 edges). And I have to remove these via python and connect those vertices marked in green. Is this possible? Basically I ...
Megan Love's user avatar
1 vote
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Use Python to select vertices in Blender 4 so I don't have to select them manually each time?

I'm importing a copy of the same mesh every day. I'm selecting the same vertices on the mesh and creating vertex groups from the selections. It's time consuming to select the vertices by hand. Since I ...
vertstyler's user avatar
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How can I select and remove excess loops from an edge outline using python?

How can I select these vertices in this weird loops encircled in red using python? In this example I only have 5 vertices excess but it's possible for more or lesser vertices to be junctioned like ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How to add vertices?

I was making a football stadium in blender, and I wanted to make the roof of it something like you can see in the reference, I thought if I pull edit the vertices a bit upwards and sculpt it smooth to ...
AsleepCarton153's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I do some sort of limited dissolve of useless vertices at the edges?

Is there a way to do some limited dissolve either through the built-in Blender tools or perhaps through scripting (if not possible through Blender tools) to remove these types of vertices? Or do I ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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How do I fix sides being funky when merging verticies?

I'm very new to blender but I'm trying to merge vertices and the sides end up weird. I'm not good at explaining this so I'll just upload a picture. Does anyone know how to fix this?
BuildNacho's user avatar
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How to set vertex position to uv coordinates in blender?

The task is: Firstly we assume that the world position of vertices to its uv coordinates is a bijection, that means our models guarantee that there's no two mesh share the same texture area, we could ...
hy s's user avatar
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Same mesh/submesh has many more vertices after export and reimport to Blender

How is it possible that the same submesh after exporting to .glb(gLTF 2.0) and re-importing into Blender has MANY more vertices e.g. before export was 55068 vertices and after export and re-import ...
Amakesh's user avatar
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Select the point of a curve closer to a vector and move it

I have these 3 curve lines: Generated by this simple node setup: Now I need to select only the vertex of the curves which is closer to a vector with the values of (5, 0, 3), so in this scenario the ...
user2959923's user avatar
-1 votes
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Align vertices to fit a reference image

I actually need help with that. I modelled this mesh on the front view as I could not find a specific reference image to model the side view. I'm trying to model the side view as it shown in the pic ...
Games nr's user avatar
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What are the common reason for this? (I Can't Join Vertices)

For some reason, I am unable to join vertices using 'J'.
Codeblues6's user avatar
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Correctly removing double vertices

A lot of times I come across models with double vertices. The best method I've tried is selecting non-manifold vertices and then merging by distance. However, this method sometimes merges boundaries ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Importing Vertex groups with duplicated vertices

I'm working on a project to generate a mesh that was written in VSCode. When I create my vertex groups and run it directly in Blender, there is no issue. However, when import the file as a .obj, it ...
Ryan Lansford's user avatar
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What is the best method to snap the vertices of an edge loop to a curved face in a single operation?

I'd like to project the vertices of an edge loop onto a curved face to adjoin two separate pieces into one mesh. What is the best method to extend the vertices along its relative axis onto a curved or ...
user avatar
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Insetting different lenses into glass frames with bpy

I'm creating an application that generates lenses based on a prescription, and places those lenses into frames so that the user can get a feel for how the lenses might look. The problem I'm facing is ...
Omar Farag's user avatar
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How to code a dynamic line?

I'm plotting several points and connecting them with a polyline, the objective is to implement a feature where, if any of the plotted vertices are moved within the scene, the polyline dynamically ...
crisplettuce's user avatar
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grid fill not working on a vertices

hey all I just have a quick question that I wanted to ask , so basically I m creating a model which as it shown in the picture , I created a plane deleted 3 vertices kept one vertices, after that I ...
Games nr's user avatar
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Cannot get rid of loose edges and vertices on plane

I have these random edges and vertices which I can box select and delete, but I am wondering if there is some way to get rid of them quickly since they are all on the same plane. I've tried all of the ...
lil guy's user avatar
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Delete vertices one by one, when using the 'Add Mesh: Extra Objects' addon to plot points

I am using the 'Add Mesh: Extra Objects' addon in Blender to plot points at specified coordinates. Each point is added to a mesh of points instead of being a separate object. My goal is to implement a ...
crisplettuce's user avatar
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Why can't I edit 2 separate meshes at once in edit mode in Blender 4

I can't select 2 meshes (not joined) and go into edit mode and edit them together anymore in Blender 4. This was something Blender added several versions ago and now it seems to be gone. Is there ...
Glen P's user avatar
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How to subdivide keeping the form of the curve_

I've made the modeling of an object, and now I would like so subdivide it. When I go to edit mode, Edge, subdivide. It creates the line between the two nearest vertex but all in the same surface; I ...
Javepan's user avatar
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Cylinder's shape changes completely upon bending using simple diffusion, can somebody help?

I hope things are going good. I am very new to blender, and I am facing a simple problem that I can't seem to fix. I have created and rotated a mesh cylinder by 90 degrees. Now, when I try to bend the ...
Shadman Shahriar's user avatar
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How do I properly align my vertices on the global axis to allow the mirror modifier to work?

I am trying to apply the mirror modifier on my model, however when I do it shows a split, despite having the clipping toggled on. I changed my pivot point to 3d cursor and pressed these keys ...
Blendernoob23's user avatar
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How do i fix position of object in object mode and edit mode?

I'm trying to make clothes of a character to move with rest of the body but for some reason sleeves don't want to cooperate. The way I do it is I select sleeves then body. Next I go to Object->Link/...
R1ck1s's user avatar
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Learning Scripting with Python and Blender Edge or vertices question

I'm learning to write script in Blender (along my path of coding education and practical usage) and I'm to a point where i'm wanting to adjust certain vertices and certain edges. Can I create vertex ...
Rplogix88's user avatar
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How do I make the knife tool snap to the locations of vertices without it restarting the process?

As seen here I'm trying to make a face cut on a face based on the shape of some edges, but whenever I got from one vertex to another it resets the process removing my previous line point: https://...
Cerulean's user avatar
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gliding vertices into straight line

Is there a possibility to let a selection of vertices glide on their respective edges, so that they end up in a straight line? The edges upon which the vertices are to glide are not necessarily ...
eichhofener's user avatar
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Is there a better way to merge these vertices other than manually doing one pair at a time?

Update: Sorry there was a mistake I didn’t notice that the planes on both sides weren’t at the same position on the Y axis (been in ortho view the entire time). I have since moved them to the same ...
HullBreaker's user avatar
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"New edge/face from vertices" not joining selected vertices

I have a simple vector spaceship design for a retro "Elite" style game. It was originally an SVG. So far I have: Converted from curves to mesh Joined to a single mesh Duplicated the ...
Habadera's user avatar
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Model sharing vertices between in- and outside normals?

I've been trying some stuff in Blender, I am however quite inexperienced. I found a free model online which I was trying some stuff with, like I've done before. However this model has a weird problem. ...
Luuk Damhuis's user avatar
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How to replace vertex normal with custom normal data?

I have a set of custom normal data here. First one simply use the normal data in the shader. Second one is achieved by define custom split normals of this mesh from normal data by script.(...
Wow's user avatar
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How do I Fix this Mesh? (Bad Shading)

I'm working on a hand and I tried connecting the thumb using Merge at Center [M], but I came across this mesh error and I'm unsure how to resolve this. I used Merge by distance but it's not working, I ...
Blendernoob23's user avatar
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Unable to create edge between two vertices (imported SVG) [duplicate]

I have imported a wireframe SVG into Blender, duplicated it and dragged a few points around to make a vector graphics spaceship design similar to the old Elite 8-bit game if anyone remembers it. I'm ...
Habadera's user avatar
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How to add vertices to loop without breaking it?

I have a missing part in my mesh (with subdiv modifier) where was a vertex: I need to add vertex just in center and not to break the loop. How can I do this? I've tried to use ...
Сергей's user avatar
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Vertices with a mesh are oriented in different directions, how do I correct?

I converted an SVG from a curve to a mesh, but I've noticed that several of my vertices are oriented in different directions. How can I reset all of them to follow a standard XYZ axis? Edit: Also, I ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Will imported mesh from CAD application with bad topology be problematic for texturing/materials?

I am currently doing my first own project in Blender (rendering a PCB). The object I am using is an obj export from a PCB design software. This is the mesh: As you can see the faces and vertices are ...
vtx22's user avatar
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