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How do we add the Mesh: Snap_Utilities_Line tool to Object Mode?

How do we add the Mesh: Snap_Utilities_Line tool to Object Mode? We can create full 3D shapes with it. It's an object creation tool as well The ...
Glen Charles Rowell's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How making only small hills flatter in landscape?

I have a landscape where I only want to make the small hills and bumps much smaller. However, the basic shape and larger rocks should be preserved. Is there any tool etc. with which you can only make ...
VICUBE Animation's user avatar
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Bisect tool will not let me select any vertices

If I am understanding the Bisect tool I can take my mesh, say a basic sphere, in edit mode, nothing selected on my mesh. Select Bisect, choose my fill and clear inner/clear outer options and draw a ...
Keri Kennedy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there any out of the box solution to cut diagonally a mesh with multiple cuts?

It is my third day using blender and well, the first time I have asked a question in a stackoverflow-like forum, so bear with me. I have added a round cube to my scene which I have turned into a sort ...
konamiscc's user avatar
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1 answer

Inflate geometry with fixed inlets and outlets

I am new to blender, and I am looking to inflate the geometry of an artery like a balloon. I have used the shrink/fatten tool and it produces the outcome I desired except for the inlet and outlets. I ...
Okra's user avatar
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In tissue tools, I do not have the option to convert to dual mesh

I am trying to follow a tutorial that uses the tissue tools add on. In their tutorial, they have different tabs and options than me. Anyone know where the option went that lets you convert to dual ...
user99585's user avatar
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Object isn't rotating properly

I cannot rotate the wheel shown here properly or the wheel of the car will go above the car while rotating. I can't get the wheel to spin like it should for my project. What could be the issue?
Alex Oliver's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Inset Text/Curve Mesh?

I am wondering if there is an easy way to inset mesh that is generated from text/curves? When I convert text to mesh it generates a bunch of uneven triangles that don't inset properly. My only ...
Rob Proctor's user avatar
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Incorrect selected tool circle. box. or lasso

When I select vertices, edges, or polygons with the circle, box, or lasso tool in Edit Mode, spontaneous vertices are selected all over the mesh. example: I select the vertices on the legs, and the ...
user106570's user avatar