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How do we add the Mesh: Snap_Utilities_Line tool to Object Mode?

How do we add the Mesh: Snap_Utilities_Line tool to Object Mode? We can create full 3D shapes with it. It's an object creation tool as well The ...
Glen Charles Rowell's user avatar
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How to correct weird geometry after boolean?

I have created a mesh with boolean operations (bool tool) and I need to have it ready for 3d print. Now I've noticed some weird geometry happening but I cannot determine what it is. You can see in the ...
Dan's user avatar
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In tissue tools, I do not have the option to convert to dual mesh

I am trying to follow a tutorial that uses the tissue tools add on. In their tutorial, they have different tabs and options than me. Anyone know where the option went that lets you convert to dual ...
user99585's user avatar
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Problem at using Bool Tool add on

I have a strange problem at using Bool Tool add-on. I exactly do what I should but it doesn't work. How do I go about this issue?
PCG's user avatar
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Custom mouse-driven transform-style UI/input tool?

Is there a way to trigger an interactive, mouse-driven input event— Like the built-in [G], [R], ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Is there a way to optimize tool panel?

I have too many addons so there are many tabs in the tool section. I would like to organize those somehow
Audio_Video_Enthusiast's user avatar
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What free tools make Blender work like SketchUp? [closed]

I'm coming from SketchUp and want to find tools, that are free, to make Blender work like SketchUp. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Has anyone made any that convert Blender into a user-friendly CAD ...
Glen Charles Rowell's user avatar