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How can I make the colors in a checkerboard texture, images instead of colors?

I have a tileset from a 2D game that I want to use to texture my 3D game, without altering the tileset. So I have a wall like this that I'm trying to texture with the circled tile on the left: My ...
Austin Capobianco's user avatar
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Blending terrain tiles

I have terrain tiles that have normal maps and diffuse maps for their shaders, and separately, subdivison surface modifiers along with separate HeightMaps used in their separate displacement modifiers....
QuestionsA's user avatar
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Creating material with real-world sized tiles

I am working on my flat project. I want to create a material that could take texture images of tiles and value input of their real-world size, resulting in covering meshes with an exact number of ...
randomCoder1's user avatar
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Can you select optimal tile sizes per each rendering devise used in homogenous rendering Blender 3.6.0 Windows 10 x64?

The Auto Tile Size preference isn't available in Blender 3 and my rendering software isn't yet compatible with Blender 4. How can you determine an optimal tile size for a specific CPU and for specific ...
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tile size below 128 pixel won't render anything with CPU

I set blender tile size to 16 and 32 and 64 and in the render window only alpha image (light and dark checker) shows even after rendering some tiles still nothing shows But when set to 128 the tile ...
amir's user avatar
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How to create tilable tile-map elements [duplicate]

I want to create an isometric game, and therefore I want to use blender to create tile-map elements which I will compose together with Tiled Map Editor later on. I have followed several tutorials ...
hypnomaki's user avatar
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How to reduce render size?

i created an animation which is about 58 seconds, animation is mostly about rotating object 360 degrees 6 times and changing colour of one piece of the object 12 times. I wanted my animation to have ...
Majkel's user avatar
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Render showing tiles on terrain model even though they aren't present in viewport

Fairly new to blender so I hope I am giving enough detail on my issue. I have brought in a digital elevation model to blender and displaced it to give the landscape a 3D appearance. I subdivided the ...
pichaell's user avatar
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How do I force a very specific grid zone in both object, vertex, line, face mode?

I have enabled snapping to absolute grid position. I have this grid: If I zoom in, the grid stays like I want: But then I press Numpad 7 to switch to top camera view, the grid changes size which is ...
namrog84's user avatar
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Composite image with shadow catcher

So, while compositing a scene, seeing as DAZ models are kinda resource intensive, I tried to break it down into layers. The layers are combined using alpha over nodes and seem to be in the right order....
Zack Hound's user avatar
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Set Tile SIze by X and Y

I'm watching some videos which explain how to make rending (especially if Cycles) much faster. Apparently the size of the titel plays a huge role for rendering. In all videos, they show how they ...
serlag8622's user avatar
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Normal Map Baking edge problem

I tried to bake my normal map tile but it didn't give me any result When I add the bevel to the tile giving me this normal map but my tile don't have this smooth edge it's a hard edge any advice ...
cloud 4design's user avatar
2 votes
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Rendering with Cycles with GPU, use tiles or not use tiles?

Is it faster to render using tiles or not? Or does it depend on the scene? If so, what aspects of the scene would make it faster to use (or not use) tiles? Also, if I'm rendering on the GPU and using ...
Alexandre Marcati's user avatar
3 votes
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Blender 3 - What the heck happened to Hilbert Spiral?

I've been using Blender since 2.79, and I'm very used to rendering with the Hilbert Spiral tiling mode, which renders tiles from the center and spreads outward. This makes sense to me, since it lets ...
Codesmith's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

No Auto Tile Size in Blender 3.0

The Auto Tile Size add-on appears to to be missing in Blender Version 3.0. Is there any way to get it back? How can I use the Auto Tile Size in Blender version 3.0?
Ryan King Art's user avatar
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How to fix tile size not following set parameters?

I noticed that tiles in my renders in Blender have been consistently at 40. I have them set at 256 by default. It started after I tried the Auto Tile add on. When I noticed it, I disabled it right ...
Joramisu's user avatar
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Why does the object move to the center of the world while Im resizing it?

I was in object mode and I added a sphere, I tried to move the sphere and make it smaller, but it didn't work. I was in object mode the whole time and I did not go into edit mode. This is what's ...
entertainment animations's user avatar
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CUDA Illegal Address

Hi I have recently just installed Blender 2.93.0 onto my work PC. I have a file that has my models and scene setup on Google drive, where I launch the file from. I have selected GPU Compute and I am ...
Kiarash Karimitari's user avatar
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Created UDIM tiles without image

I created some UDIM tiles in blender and everything looked good, but then i imported it into substance painter and baked and it only baked the mesh map of what was in the UV space, which included only ...
cgperfect's user avatar
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is there a way to speed up the render process?

i have to render a project for university. The computer i'm using has Titan z and a i7 5th gen. The project is a large city (100+ Gb of project) and i have 2400 frames in 720p resolution. Using ...
kiflomz's user avatar
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Tiling the plane being too repetitive

Does anyone know of any tips to tile a plane without it being really repetitive? I'm trying to make a big ocean. I am following this tutorial:, but the way ...
liaiwen's user avatar
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CPU and GPU - does CPU work with or alongside the GPU?

I'm new to Blender and am trying to understand how Blender uses the CPU and GPU? I have a budget CPU with 4 cores/8 threads (AMD Ryzen 5 3400G). When I started looking into making some 3D animation I ...
pcapazzi's user avatar
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Why do I have a strange kink at the edges of the tiles?

I'm using Blender Render, a 90° FOV Camera. My Tiles are 512x512. But when rendering, there is something strange happening at the edges of the tiles. Does anybody know something about it?
Jim's user avatar
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2 answers

What does tile size actually affect?

Besides the obvious you see is the blocks you see when rendering, I see it changes the size of the samples and from tips and testing it can affect render times, typically higher size (eg 256x256 ) on ...
AJ Smith 'Smugger''s user avatar
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Change grid size in blender 2.80 beta?

In older versions the way is the following But in 2.80 beta by default there is no even option "Display" which should contain "Scale". So how to find it?
Gargo's user avatar
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Render tiles disappeared and now render times are higher. How to fix?

I was going through tutorial and I got to the final part which is rendering. I was messing around with settings as it was shown in the tutorial and started rendering. Those were test renders and I was ...
Ilya's user avatar
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3 answers

Blender is only using one tile and only on CPU

I have tried to make blender faster by using my Nvidia GeForce GPU in the user preferences window and under the render options in the properties window. But I can see in the task manager that the CPU ...
andraskrajko's user avatar
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Blender only renders in one Tile

I want to render a 4000x5000 picture. I used a one-tiled (4000x5000 px) test render, with 20% resolution-scaling for a test over night. But now no matter what tilesize i set. No matter the ...
Mnkymnk's user avatar
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How can I texture individual tiles? [duplicate]

As the pic above , in the tile there us small squares , each square have its own drawnings , how can make the same tile in blender ?
Rayed alharbi 's user avatar
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Full render in one tile - solution for lack of memory?

I created super complicated scene using 8gb out of 6gb of vram. On the way of trying to reduce memory usage I saw many times my gpu rendering only one tile, with all samples, and skipping rest of the ...
TheTrebuchet's user avatar
4 votes
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What is GPU tile size contingent upon?

I've read a lot about this but most of what I've found is anecdotal or personal experience. My question is more about architecture. The optimal tile size for GPU's is universally stated to be ...
bertmoog's user avatar
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How does tile size affects render time in GPU compute cycles?

I do some tests on a scene with various tiles size. The first time, i set the tiles size to 256x256. It rendered in about 9 minutes. The second time, i set it to 512x512. Now because the tile size is ...
Richardo Ivan's user avatar
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How to prevent texture from tiling? (inb4 using mapping node)

How to prevent texture from repeating across the object surface in cycles? Mapping node doesn't seems to work in this case.
Denis Choomac's user avatar
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workflow for creating sculpted tileable Tiles in blender?

As a sculpted tile I want it to be exported just as a OBJ textured quad, And I want to use Blender to bake also NormalMap, HeightMap, AmbientOcclusion. How do I carefully sculpt my tile? (not ...
CoffeDeveloper's user avatar
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Tile size in performance not changing at all

I cannot get my tile size to change in the performance section. it will not budge from 32x32. is this normal in cycles rendering? Blender render is stuck on 64x60 I do have some memory of it being ...
uxserx-bw's user avatar
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How to set Cycles Viewport Rendered Mode to use Tiles?

I have heard questions about the Cycles rendered view being faster than the finished render, for reasons such as Subdivision levels, caustics, and other slow functions that are disabled in the ...
MasterHolbytla's user avatar