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1 answer

How can I copy and paste an image texture to another mesh, then edit that copy and pasted one?

I have painted a texture using texture paint and put in on my model with an image texture. I have duplicated the mesh and material that I painted. I now want to copy the image texture, paste it as a ...
Bananasmacked's user avatar
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How do I paint a texture stencil onto an object with Python?

I'm trying to paint an image texture onto an object with bpy. I'm not running in background mode, so I can confirm the following: Object is loaded Image texture is loaded and added as a slot on the ...
jitsvm's user avatar
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export uv layout only edge select

enter image description hereI need to export only some selected edges not the faces of them. The problem is that they are not visible even in the UV map and therefore cannot be exported. Is there a ...
Seiya's user avatar
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Why does it look like overlapping when painting, but on UV map, are not overlapping?

When I am texture painting, I am noticing locations where painting at one location also paints in another location. I have noticed that this is a very common issue when having overlapping face. But ...
user280339's user avatar
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Texture paint not painting properly

I am having an issue with Texture paint. For some reason, when i am in any other tab, be it layout or modelling, my texture painting does not look right. It looks like this: Then when i go to the ...
noyou's user avatar
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Texture is extremely desaturated exclusively in the texture paint tab [closed]

I edited the uv coordinates of the model, and when I switched back to the texture paint tab the texture became extremely desaturated. I may have accidentally clicked an option I didn't intend to, but ...
Mike's user avatar
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How do I fix uneven symmetry in texture paint

I am still fairly new to Blender and this is the first model I've completed fully and started to texture paint. I created seams on the model's head and then did a UV unwrap. When I take the selected ...
DebiruRedi's user avatar
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Blender Toon BSDF to flat texture

I'm making a model for a game, and I'm aiming for a neat cel-shaded look. So, in Blender, I used the Toon BSDF on my model. Now, I want to convert the colors and shadows in the model (after applying ...
MsBonniePython's user avatar
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how to paint on colour nodes

I wanted to add colour to a character I'm working so I created these nodes for a textured colour on my creature but have a few problems (I'm a complete beginner) Do I need to apply the colour nodes ...
user160767's user avatar
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Texture mapping, object maps to 1 pixel

I'm trying to add/paint a texture map to an object, and when I do, I'm unable to draw anything because the object seems to map to just 1 pixel on my texture image. Here you can see that the white ...
calvincalvin's user avatar
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Texture not showing in object but visible in UV editor when I draw

So, I unwrapped my object. Then I created an image file with a certain color. In Principled BSDF node I added the option image texture and loaded the image. In UV editor, I loaded the saved image. The ...
blender_user's user avatar
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Painting on the second texture slot applying to incorrect UV image

I put some base colors on my mesh using the first texture slot created automatically. Now I need to add some color details. I added new texture slot for it, connected it to a new UV image. Active slot ...
Valeriia's user avatar
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Image texture on one mesh resets when image texture is chosen for another object

I am on WIndows 10 and using Blender v2.93.6. I am running into an issue that can be summarized as this: I am using an image texture on one of my meshes, then texture painting on top of it. When I ...
Korremarr's user avatar
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I cannot paint in the "Texture Paint" mode

I'm trying for hours to use the "Texture Paint" mode in the right side. But unfortunatelyI can't paint, I checked the slots, but with no successed. The left side, works ok! Can you help me please? ...
Michel Andrade's user avatar