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Eyes lose parent when exporting to fbx?

When i export animation to fbx and opening it in blender again, eyes seem to loose parent and they don't follow head anymore. Rig was made with rigify. Please help, any tips welcome. I attached file.
Hanya's user avatar
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Problem with parenting mesh to rig

I have Blender 3.6 on Mac Big Sur. After many read-throughs, searches, YouTube and multiple attempts, no success at the following: I open the basic human metarig. I generate a rigify rig. I try to ...
Michael LaBash's user avatar
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My armature moves, but the mesh won't

I applied a parent with auto weight and now only my bones are moving, also the location of my rig was incorrect and I corrected it but it still doesn't work. This is the link to download the file from ...
Jana Medic's user avatar
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I can not apply rig to my mesh

I'm a beginner in blender and I can't solve this problem. I can't connect my rig to the mesh no matter what I do.I am hoping for your help and I would be very grateful for it.
Jana Medic's user avatar
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Parent rigify part to empty

I'm working on an animation of a robot pedaling a bicycle. I have used rigify to generate controls for the skeleton. I have added an empty to the rotating bicycle crank where the foot should contact ...
John Wash's user avatar
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Parenting object moves it?

So I have these shoe laces that are already parented to the shoes, but when I try and parent it to my rig it moves it? Why is this? It moves the laces?
Murth's user avatar
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Shoe not moving properly with rig

When i move the right foot bone(duplicate shoe) it warps and also moves and warps the left shoe(original). And when i move the other foot it does the same vice versa. Im also not sure how to move the ...
El Rogish's user avatar
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Spiral wont parent to armature?

So I have a spiral acting as an eye and when I parent with automatic weights to my rig, it doesn't spin with the rest of the armature it just stays in place. Is it because of the object itself? I ...
Murth's user avatar
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How to parent components of a rig made with rigify to things other than the mesh?

I have created (with some help) a rig using rigify and a mesh. I want to pair something to some of the parts of the rig (specifically, a ring on the finger that moves with the finger). Is there a ...
A_big_fluffy_dog's user avatar
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Move root of character without changing the other bones position

I'm very new to animation, and I've some troubles to make my character walk (rigged using rigify). I tried to use a walk cycle generated by AnimBox, but my character ended up sliding a lot (even when ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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How to rig two hands to item for RIGIFY

i want too connect both hands of my rigify rig to this sword, i tried the ik hands too weapon but i dont know how to do that for rigify, as which layer of bones too turn into ik or if even possible?
Cyborg Primate's user avatar
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Does the armature have to be the highest parent

What is better practice parenting model to rig or armature to model. Does it have a impact in any way or does it not matter. When generating the rig the mesh is parented to the rig however it seems ...
Sidney's user avatar
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Rigify armature shaking when parented to object

I have a human character mesh with a rigify armature deform that works great. I have the character driving a car for the video but I cannot make the parenting look smooth. The rigged human sits in the ...
billy quick's user avatar
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Automatic Weight fails totally

I have this model here and it is symmetrical. I removed doubles, I recalculated the normals, I fixed non-manifolds, I removed existing vertex groups. But still, when I try to parent my mesh to the rig ...
Václav Musil's user avatar
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BLENDER RIGIFY ERROR (Generation has thrown an exception: 'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "ear.L.004" not found')

I'm trying to rig a character for a project of mine. I've never rigged in Blender before, only 3DSMax. I'm using rigify Add>Armature>Human (Meta-Rig) and all I've done is replace the bones to ...
Soulstace's user avatar
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How do I parent a single bone from a rigify metarig to a cube without it parenting the whole metarig?

I'd like to parent a single bone within a Rigify human full skeleton metarig to a corresponding cube [which contains animation information], however I can't select a single bone for parenting without ...
sgreen's user avatar
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How do i parent to my mesh in blender [duplicate]

Good day i have another question. I'm making a good progress in rigging. thanks too the this community but i encountered a problem When i move the character the collar doesn't follow. The character ...
Audrey Wilrose's user avatar
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How can I fix "Bone Heat Weighting Failed" Issue? [duplicate]

When I try to use the Automatic Weights option to parent my mesh to the Rig how come it deforms the meshes left arm?
ably6's user avatar
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Removing Doubles Ruins Mesh of My Character

I created a character in blender. I tried to parent it to the rig but it says "bone heat weighting failed to find solution for one or more bones". After more than two days of research and restarting ...
Nilany Tha's user avatar
3 votes
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Parent object to bone latency (lag) issue

I'm using Pitchipoy meta rig and have come across instances where I need to parent an object or objects to a bone - I can't be the only one. Every time I do I get a latency issue where the child will ...
Eli Peters's user avatar
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Rigify mesh skinning problem

I imported a character (with append), and I joined the hair, body, and feet together using Ctrl+J. I applied the scale, rotation, and location using Ctrl+A, and everything was fine, and when I ...
Ahmed Missoum's user avatar