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Questions tagged [rendering]

The action of turning a scene into an end product such as an image or movie. If your question is specific to one render engine, please use its respective tag (cycles, eevee, blender-internal, etc).

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27 votes
11 answers

Why does my object not show up?

This is meant to solve this problem once and for all. What is every reason an object isn't showing up in a render or viewport in when using the cycles render engine?
Jake Duth's user avatar
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52 votes
2 answers

Why are some faces in my mesh darker?

While rendering a mesh with smooth shading on, I get a dark region/shadow on certain faces. The effect is more evident when smooth shading is applied to a mesh containing ngons, with the ngons turning ...
karthikeyan's user avatar
86 votes
9 answers

How to avoid noisy renders in Cycles?

I know that this question is a bit old or maybe overdone, but I'm running the latest edition of Blender and when I use the Cycles engine I get really fuzzy results and I can't find a simple, non-...
kettlecrab's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

AMD GPU Material in "material preview mode" and "rendered mode", is entirely gray as background. Only outline is displayed

I don't know why but now, when i go in material preview or rendered (in solid mode it works fine), my object is entirely gray, or invisible idk, because it has the same color of the background. I've ...
Pino Vanta's user avatar
39 votes
8 answers

Render result is completely blank

A scene I made is not rendering, at all. This grey screen stays the same and nothing changes. Here are my settings: [
Josh Silveous's user avatar
40 votes
3 answers

Cause of black artifacts in render?

I was following this tutorial on creating a watch and noticed that when I rendered the watch, some pieces were messed up. I'm new to 3D modeling and I've just learned Blender, I can't explain it well,...
Abluescarab's user avatar
43 votes
1 answer

How do I increase the render distance?

I have created a simple model here When rendering it the end of it is cut off How can I get the camera to render a longer distance?
Qwertie's user avatar
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119 votes
2 answers

Render with a wider dynamic range in cycles to produce photorealistic looking images

To get images that seem more photorealistic, not only a much wider Dynamic Range is needed, but also having the color information desaturate towards white as it would happen in an overexposed ...
user avatar
45 votes
10 answers

How to reduce fireflies in Cycles?

I often use Cycles' built in Glass BSDF shader to achieve realistic refraction effects, but in many cases, it seems that Cycles' glass caustics creates an unfortunately large number of fireflies (...
Gwen's user avatar
  • 11.6k
25 votes
2 answers

Black artifacts when looking through many transparent objects?

Using v2.73, cycles and a very simple scene: an array of cubes, no big deal. If I set the shader's material to transparent, the cubes in the foreground do become transparent but those far away in the ...
user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Blender is rendering an older version my project

Blender is rendering an older version of my project, not the most recent one. I have made it using the Blender Render but it does not want to render in cycles either. A black and grey screen is ...
Noxas7's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How do I get the Glare node to output transparent instead of Black background

This is what I have so far: The rendered image has a transparent background, but the glare filter creates an output with a black background, so after merging the two togheter, the background turns ...
tacofisher's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

How to properly denoise renderings?

Since the Denoise feature was added to Blender I only use the default setting with it and it really does the work. But sometimes the denoise is noticable on some of my renders. How can I overcome the ...
Justin Ochea's user avatar
293 votes
4 answers

Can Blender render pngs with the background transparent?

I would like to render an animation as a series of .png images with transparent backgrounds for use in a video. Is this possible?
A Wild RolandiXor Has Appeared's user avatar
96 votes
3 answers

Enabling GPU rendering for Cycles?

I want to enable GPU rendering, but there is no option in User Preferences > System: Why is this? How can I get cycles to render using my GPU?
88 votes
2 answers

How is Cycles different from Blender Internal?

How does Cycles work and how is it different from Blender Internal? Which is better?
gandalf3's user avatar
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57 votes
2 answers

How to render an animation as video in Blender?

Yesterday I was working on a simple animation, an animated logo. Here is an image of the progress: I already have the animation working and everything is okay with the project, but I can't figure ...
Paulius's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

How do I avoid rendering glitches from overlapping faces? [duplicate]

For instance, here I have two cubes that are offset only on the x-axis. When I render them (using Blender's internal renderer), the overlapping faces interfere with each other and the result looks ...
El'endia Starman's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Blender render crash when using subsurf modifiers

Essentially, my problem is that I am trying to render a scene, however, blender crashes on me early during the render. I only have about 14 total objects in the scene. (It's not that complex) I tried ...
Krillinslosingstreak's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do you share a blender.file?

I am new to blender and have been working on a project that displays "fire" in texture but doesn't show up in render and so, I need to "share the project with others by making it a downloadable link ...
Erik Kaiwi's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Strange black shading. Cannot fully light mesh. (Cycles)

Here is the viewport in material view. The node setup is just a PNG texture into a diffuse shader. And this is in rendered view. I've tried using environmental lighting as well as a directional ...
Nghillaz's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Save all render passes to EXR image?

I am having an issue with EXR file export that I did not encounter in previous versions of Blender. I used to be able to render a render layer with all its passes and get all the passes included with ...
Sangreelah's user avatar
51 votes
3 answers

How to make a model cast shadows onto the world texture/background?

In most of my models, I usually end up setting a world background using an HDRI image of some kind or another. This has always been really useful for lighting in general or as a background for my ...
Gwen's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Some areas of the mesh are dark (Shadow artefacts)

I've been modeling a hermit crab and I don't know why but some areas of the mesh are really dark on some spots, like the legs and the claws. I hope you can help me fix it.
Sigma17's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

One Object won't Show up in Final Render even though it shows up in the Preview Render [duplicate]

I have a model of a building with a sidewalk around it. Both show up when I switch to rendering mode in both Blender Render and Cycles Render mode. But: when I hit F12 for a final proper render, ...
twiststreet's user avatar
48 votes
3 answers

Object not visible in render

I have a model which you can see here (camera perspective). In the second image, you can see how the render turned out. I'm at my wit's end trying to figure our why it's not showing up in the render....
Luke_0's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How to properly render smoke on a transparent background?

When rendering volumes with Film > Transparent enabled, the alpha appears to be the wrong type (premultiplied/straight). In the 3D view it works as expected: This is a known bug. Is there any way to ...
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
13 votes
3 answers

Why is part of my model not being rendered?

Why is the selected object displaying in the 3D view, but not rendering? In object mode, it shows up: However, it does not show up in render mode: Why is this so and what causes it to hide in ...
Universal Electricity's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Cycles not rendering image or movie clip used as background in the viewport

First time I've used cycles rendering engine. I'm using a movie clip as the background in short animation. Selected RBGA under Property Tab, and Transparent under Film Tab. It looks good and ...
SwanSong2's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

Rendered image looks pixelated

When I hit F12 to render an image and zoom in it is quickly pixelated. How can I render a higher res display? I have looked through the settings and couldn't find a solution.
Qwertie's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

Iridescence In Cycles?

Is it possible to create an iridescence shader in Cycles? Specifically for something like DVDs, soap bubbles, engine oil, etc..
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
40 votes
7 answers

How to find image coordinates of the rendered vertex?

I have a simple mesh of a cube. I would like to know what are the coordinates of each vertex in the rendered image (i.e. for each 3d vertex I'd like to know it's pixel coordinates). Is there a way ...
Alex Kreimer's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

Glow with depth in Blender?

What would be a way to create a glow in Blender. For that purpose I've been always using the compositor. However, that is pixels work, which means it is a 2d work. To make a 3d one, do I have to use ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

What are the technical differences between F12 render and viewport preview?

What are the technical differences between F12 render and viewport preview render, if any? This is all the documentation I could find about Cycles viewport rendering: interactive rendering can be ...
gandalf3's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to make a sequence of renders and give the user the option to cancel the process through the UI at any given time?

I'm trying to make a script where I have to render several images of the same scene at the same frame, and write to disk with appropriate names. The problem is that although this works fine with a non-...
Chaos's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Blender image output is greyish and not white

I already searched the internet but could not find a solution to this. Maybe it is the same question as Why my animation render is getting greyish? but there was no answer. I want to render a video ...
nioerd's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

How to make a cycles light emisson object invisible to the camera?

In my scene it is required to position the lights close to the main object like this: How I can make the light source invisible to the camera?
p2or's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Image Alpha Background Renders Black when using "Import Images as Planes"

I must be missing something here. I'm doing an extremely simple Import Image as Plane using the AddOn and the imported image has an alpha background but it renders (and even previews in the material ...
Dale Forbes's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

No file output after rendering?

I usually am able to render successfully to the c:\tmp folder, but when I came into work today, I rendered out the image on my work laptop, and everything seems to ...
jakc's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Cycles : shadows on smooth shaded mesh, strange behavior [duplicate]

I wonder if this is a bug, or if I missed something... When a light hits tangentially convex surfaces with "smooth shading", the shadow on this surface seems to "partially ignore" the smoothness of ...
Polosson's user avatar
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34 votes
9 answers

Any Video formats that render with Alpha Channel?

Does anyone know if there are any video formats (besides the HUGE uncompressed avis) that you can render in that maintain the alpha channel? (i.e. for after FX etc.) I used to use quicktime, but ...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Why are there non-visible objects in my final render?

Have Blender on about 4 machines rendering animations. Just spotted on one of the machines its rendering something different from the actual scene that I have setup. Top window shows a different set ...
jakc's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Applied boolean modifier leaving shading artifacts with flat shading

I tried to manipulate a cube with the Boolean modifier. I tried to cut out an edge of the cube with a cylinder. Also, the shading result looks awful in FLAT SHADING mode, so I turned on SMOOTH SHADING....
DoubleVoid's user avatar
39 votes
1 answer

How can I render an object with an hdr background?

I have an object with an hdr for the background. What do I do in Cycles to render the background with my object? How is this different from an ordinary render in Cycles? The hdr is a big one, 350MB.
Leonardo-Paradox's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

fluid in a glass

I am at beginner level. One of the projects I am doing is to create a glass with fluid. Like a glass of water or a glass of wine. Now I can find quite some tutorials on how to create the glass, but ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Rendering fire animations with transparent background

I'm creating a simple fireball sprite for my game and I want to render a fire animation. I would like to get the upper images with transparent background, but when is set the transparency on under ...
TheLast_BlenderBender's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

What image format encodes the fastest, or at least faster? PNG is too slow

When rendering [in 2.80], I have discovered that video streams save much faster than rendering to PNG files. This is frustrating to me because I have learned that the safety of image frame rendering ...
TheLabCat's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

EEVEE and Cycles render lighting differences

I get different lightning render with the same scene camera setup. Cycles render (both experimental and supported feature set) gets weaker lightning and needs more energy. How can I get the same ...
intruderia's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

I accidentally set an object as camera, how do I undo this?

I have a problem with rendering in cycles. In blender render my object is rendering fine, but in cycles when I pushed F12 I got only this: One more thing: when I click 0 on keyboard I'm not in camera ...
AOV's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How can I render objects with very shiny surfaces?

I am trying to render a kitchen sink / Faucet Here is another reference image of what I want What I have got so far is this Settings for World: I have used an environment map HDRI with 0 ...
Saad Aziz's user avatar

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